Aaaah, summer and air conditioning . . .

Nothing to do with HR, really, but another irony in our lives . . .
Every morning when I choose my clothes for the day, I'm looking for my biggest sweaters, because of the air conditioning in the office. Something is wrong with that picture . . .
We have a small office in an old building. The thermostat is far from our room, and it is set off by the warm air in the hallway! The guy who is in the office with me is wearing short sleeves and thinks it's pleasant in here. He's also got high blood pressure, is always bright red and always sweating. :-)
I've resorted to warming my hands between new copies as they come out of my printer. Anybody else in the same boat?
Every morning when I choose my clothes for the day, I'm looking for my biggest sweaters, because of the air conditioning in the office. Something is wrong with that picture . . .
We have a small office in an old building. The thermostat is far from our room, and it is set off by the warm air in the hallway! The guy who is in the office with me is wearing short sleeves and thinks it's pleasant in here. He's also got high blood pressure, is always bright red and always sweating. :-)
I've resorted to warming my hands between new copies as they come out of my printer. Anybody else in the same boat?
(I get home at the end of the day and my husband has the central air cranked up. He works in a foundry where he's hot all day long and he wants to be cool at home. I can't win!) :-)
>their desks sweating so of course they turn the AC way down. I have a
>space heater which I run constantly. I also have to dress like it's
>the middle of winter and can't wear any lightweight clothing to work.
>We ladies are tired of it and are constantly battling over the
>thermostat. I just want to tell the guys to lose some weight and
>maybe they wouldn't be so hot (they wish!) all the time! I dread
>summer because of this.
Ah, the battle of the sexes. My assistant controls the thermostat and, well she is entering that phase of life that we men - thankfully - do not have to go through. I freeze to death and I am a tad overweight. My solution? Her needs are greater than mine. I can wear a sweater. By the way, I do sympathize for your plight; the men ought to go on a diet.
The other women in the office persist in wearing as little clothing as possible, crank up the heat to 80 degrees and then scream that they are freezing if we turn it down to a managable 70 degrees. Our boss threatened to shoot the next person who pushed the thermostat up to 80 degrees in the summer time. He advised the near nudists to either put on sleeves or make sure they kept a sweater at their work station.
The thermostat for the HR suite is down the hall in purchasing where there are a group of people in a smaller room. We have 5 rooms in HR for 2 of us. So, it tends to be a different temp. in purchasing than in HR. It is hot in the winter and we feel like wearing short sleeves and cold in the summer and want to wear sweaters. But, I took control of the thermostat and threatened to break the fingers of anyone who touches it.
>resent that remark about overwieght men. Or, is that resemble? x;-)
If another a thread can discuss female butts, then this can discuss overweight men.
We recently had to share temporary quarters for three weeks during a mold eradication endeavor, and I was a bit concerned about peaceful coexistence with my staff. However, it worked out okay - they ran the space heater on their side of the room, and I kept a fan going on my side. We're now back in our separate (and mold-free) offices, and life goes on!
I wear a sweater daily. I live in Phoenix. Temps are in the one-hundred-teens these days.
I just hope that when I go through that stage, the others in my office will tolerate MY turning the temp down! ;;)
The women that complain of being hot all the time wear long sleeve shirts and layers of clothing. The one woman who is cold all the time wears sleeveless shirts and lightweight dresses. We actually had to tell the warm ones to dress cooler and the cold one to keep a sweater in the office and dress a little warmer.
Part of the irony of this whole situation is that I used to sit in the area where it is freezing cold all year round. Something about the set up of the office has one corner that is truly cold all the time. I used to wear gloves and sweaters all year round as well as have my space heater going. The lady that is now cold all the time used to sit on the other side of the partition and tease me and make fun of me. She would also go ballistic if I didn't have my a/c running in the spring/summer or if in the winter I turned the heat thermostat up to a toasty 72.
I am just so glad that I can now close my door and be as comfortable as can be!
In the interest of time, unforunately, perusing the "HR de har har" section of the Forum is a lower priority than the other sections, as I am sure is the case with many of you. I just read the statement "your hair parts and flattens out".
I had to laugh out loud, because I can relate. Very descriptive.
Where is fall?????
I can get really worked up about being cold in the summer. Since I am middle-aged and overwieght, it's not like I am wearing skimpy clothes (what a picture!). But I do think it is rediculous to expect me to wear sweaters and long sleeves in the summer. After all, I am perfectly comfortable in public places in my short sleeves. Why can't I be comfortable at work?
Ok. I'll get off my soap box now. Thanks for letting me vent.
I also have an office with a window that opens and have been known to have the window open in the afternoon to try and warm up my office - although I am most famous for having my window open during a major snow fall because my office was too hot (the heating is as bad as the air conditioning, it often feels like the office has moved to the Bahamas in winter!!!) and no, I am not menopausal.