Canadian Geese

This has nothing to do with anything remotely HR, but do any of you know how to keep Canadian Geese in the pond and off your yard? I have never had problems with geese coming out of the lake and feasting under my birdfeeder or on my front lawn like I have this year! I guess they are hungry, but if I start feeding them, then they will be on my patio and ringing my doorbell for food. HELP!!! (They kind of remind me of these persistent employees who keep coming back after I've told them NO!)
Rob Shuster
I've never rang their doorbell to ask exactly what this was supposed to do, but it's my assumption it is meant to keep the geese and ducks away. It must work because they do it each and every year, and I've never seen any visitors in their yard. Of course, you have to decide if you'd rather look at geese or 100 yards or more of cassette tape blowing in the breeze...!
>shiny strung between small posts on both corners of their lot where it
>meets the water. I've never seen geese or ducks or anything else on
>their yard, but they do go to the neighbors yard. It looks like the
>"tape" from a cassette tape, and it catches the sunlight and sparkles
>... when the wind blows, it moves as does the light reflecting off of
>I've never rang their doorbell to ask exactly what this was supposed
>to do, but it's my assumption it is meant to keep the geese and ducks
>away. It must work because they do it each and every year, and I've
>never seen any visitors in their yard. Of course, you have to decide
>if you'd rather look at geese or 100 yards or more of cassette tape
>blowing in the breeze...!
Hey! At least the cassette tapes don't poop in the yard!
I too, have a weiner dog -- they are great hunters -- at least in their own minds -- and don't tire of chasing the birds and varmints who invade their territory!
My SO's folks live on a ranch up north. They love the elk wandering through, but would prefer they restrict their grazing to the lawn, outside trees, etc., and not the rose and other assorted flower bushes they have around the house, plus vegetable gardens. So up went the electric wire. It's not too unsightly, however, the "police" tape they have to run around it to ward off humans is! I have a raccoon with an identity crisis. He sits on the squirrel feeder and eats the corn I put out for the squirrels. He's real cute, but a pain in the butt!
>We've tried everything; from mylar tape, dogs, destroying eggs,
>trapping, a 'dead goose' decoy that floats in the water and is
>supposed to scare off the live ones, you name it, we've tried it.
>Nothing works very effectively. I'd offer my pseudo-namesake, Hunter,
>my Springer, but it's a long way to go. What I'd really like to know
>is how Don knows about the Canadian goose???
Well, he is one of those "southern fraternity boys" after all!
Anyway, the geese charged at me. I jumped on top of the picnic table. My husband, in an attempt to scare the geese and protect me, took an "en garde" stance with his fishing pole. The geese then charged HIM. My 6' 250lb husband jumped on the picnic table with me. We let the geese have the chips, and waited for them to go away.
We will never again attempt to deny food from an aggressive gaggle of geese.
By the way, on another day by the lake, I learned that ducks like canned corn. (we had it for bait) Who knew?