How many of you are on diets?

I just started the "Flat Stomach ASAP" diet and exercise plan and I'M CRANKY. All I can think about is food, Food, FOOD! When will my next meal be? How much food will I get? Why do we have York Peppermint Patties in our office?
Anyone else dieting? Anyone want to share their angst?
Anyone else dieting? Anyone want to share their angst?
I have lost about 4 pounds recently, not sure how. When I try hard to, I don't lose anything. People around here have weight loss contests all the time. And since I can't seem to lose much, I get my jollies harassing those who are. I offer them ice cream (we usually keep some dixie cups in the freezer), or I offer them a candy bar.
So, Zanne... think ice cream!
I'm so bad sometimes.
I gave up meat for Lent and lost 6 pounds without trying. However, my 40th birthday is looming on the horizon and I don't plan to start the 40s at what I am weighing right now.
You are correct about a lifestyle change. I am incorporating more exercise, less eating after 7 pm, and better menu choices into my daily life. However, I wanted to kick start my weight loss. (With denial and hunger pangs - what a deal!)
My boss went on the Adkins diet 2 years ago. His goal was to lose 100 lbs, he lost 95. Then gained back 60+ the next year after resuming a normal diet. Doesn't seem very healthy to me.
Still think about that ice cream, Zanne.
Not only bad, but cruel. Consider me the evil HR Director.
In my late 30s I experienced a marriage going downhill, (and ending) a huge changeover at my then workplace, and loss of a parent, as well as the metabolism slowly coming to a standstill. With all those things - I gained 20 pounds.
So, it is my mission to enter my 40s without those 20 pounds and with better health habits.
Again, I just want to jump start the weight loss again (since I dropped a few pounds earlier this year) and then concentrate on the eating healthy and exercising. Which works well long term, is sensible, and healthy.
By the way, Ray, Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey is pretty wonderful..... have you tried it?
Actually, I wish you well on your diet. I keep saying I want to lose some weight, but I'm not as active as I used to be - did a lot of bicycling (2500 miles per year) until about 5 years ago. With bad roads, heavy traffic, and an aging back, I gave it up for a more sedentary life style and added pounds.
Maybe, we should have a weight loss challenge.
As an aside, my 89 yr old father, wants to loose a couple of pounds for his 90th birthday party (he weighs 160 and is 5'6 - still fights into his WWII uniform). He just joined a gym, works out every morning and absolutely loves it. Puts me to shame!
I like Ray's idea of a challenge. We could post the mean things our coworkers are bringing in and our victories.
My scale was very nice to me this morning! Makes giving up that extra chicken tenderloin for dinner last night not so bad now.
My assistant is pregnant, so she nibbles on poptarts, crackers, cookies, and clamors for ice cream in the afternoon. This is a true test of my willpower.
So, Ray, are you saying that you can't buy "Chubby Hubby" Ben & Jerrys? ;;)
Actually, on the rare occasion she sends me to the store to buy ice cream, I will buy Ben & Jerry's.
BTW, did you know the proper name is "iced cream"? And are you craving it now since you brought it up?
You feel guilty being addicted to the forum and you feel guilty for gaining weight. Both negatives. Two negatives equal a positive. Both "guilts" cancel each other out, so you are OK.
We have a birthday party every month for employees whose birthdays fall in that month. Every month it is cake and ice cream and I go to every party. Such are the duties of an HR director.
I have a much more hectic job now and it's harder to fit exercise into my schedule, but I do it. I have a treadmill and eliptical machine in my house as well as free weights. If I have to get up at 4:30 AM to fit in my exercise, I do it. (I am a morning person!).
Anyway...the bottom line's hard, especially if you love to eat. I work for a cardiology practice and I get inspiration every day to keep working out and eating right - I don't want to end up like some of the poor souls I see.
Everyone, keep up the good work, but falling off the wagon every once in a while is not going to kill you!
I think the first three days of dieting (or anything - exercise, job, CHANGE) are the worst. I'm actually falling into eating heathily, exercising and not thinking about food all the time.
Last night I went to Sonic and didn't get iced cream, tator tots or anything but a cherry diet coke.
Whew! Hope I keep on the roll for the weekend.
I had lost 4 lbs, but we seem to be going out to eat more often and that makes it hard to be consistent.
My husband and I try to eat lean for 6 days and allow one splurge day. Sometimes it's a restaurant, or sometimes I make a gooey casserole. But it helps to not deny yourself everything.
I'm also getting hooked on V-8 juice. I buy them by the case in the 12 oz. cans. They are great when real cold and are actually pretty filling. They can really tide me over in the afternoon.
Good luck to all!