What to do with all those coffee mugs?

Can anyone think of a creative use for all those extra coffee mugs you've collected over the years? Our vendors, temp agencies and clinic like to bring us gifts and usually there is a coffee mug involved. I've found they don't sell well at yard sales. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
>clothes that don't sell in my yard sale this weekend to leave in the
Believe me....everything you put in a lunchroom will disappear. If all else fails, I take all the useless mugs, etc. to Goodwill or Salvation Army.
Margaret Morford
Okay, so maybe I'm a bit weird today! It's summer, and I'd rather be fishing....
I swear tears have come to my eyes when my boys give me a mothers day gift made out of a toilet paper roll with buttons glued to it. I'm sure I'd get teary if they gave me an old coffee mug with tempera paint all over it.
OR - on an incredibly frustrating day, take a whole batch out to the dumpster. Chuck 'em in one by one. Smashing stuff in a harmless way makes you feel better, doesn't it? Be sure to wear safety goggles so you don't have to complete a W/C indicent report on yourself. I also have visions now of a Letterman-type activity, dropping mugs from the roof of a tall building. I guess that wouldn't be safe, would it?
Not sure what the staff would think watching the crazy HR lady or guy losing it out by the trash dumpster or chucking mugs from the roof.