Pet Peeves

Who here has a pet peeve? I mean one that makes you want to reach across the table, slap the person and just say .........hello? Are you in there today or is your brain out to lunch already? Here are just a few of mine.
1. The girl that shows up to work with two inches of cheek hanging out of her shorts and apparently no bra (it wasn't a cold day so....... well, I won't go there). She must have got this confused with her night job. Hello, this a manufacturing plant not a strip club. Get it right.
2. "You have to give me a break every two hours, it's the law." (and there are many more "laws" just like this one). Damn, when did that one pass. When did the employees start receiving the employment law news letter? Hello, we don't have that law in this state.
3. "I can't make it in today because I have the flu or something." Oh, come on. I saw you at karoke last night and you were drunk as a skunk. Don't you remember telling me you were gonna drink all night and sleep all day. Hello, you have a hangover not the flu. (This one can also apply to those who didn't get the approved vacation and come down with some illness on the exact day they needed off)
4. The girl that is being written up for absenteeism. All she is concerned about is the guy that called her sweetie and how it is so unfair because he didn't get in trouble and we are targeting her. Hello, with the outfits you wear I'm surprised he didn't call you something worse and he did get in trouble it's just none of your business how the situation was handled.
5. This one needs no explanation. Hello, if your gonna get up in my face you should brush your teeth. At least chew some gum.
6. The guy that came limping into work on Monday and after a half hour told his boss he just tripped over a crate and wants to file a WC claim. Hello, I've talked to a few of your co-workers and they say you got drunk Saturday night and fell out of a tree. I had to ask "what in god's name were you doing in a tree?" The worst part is he told me.
7. "Can you make a copy of this for me?" Hello, was I talking to the wall? When I said call Zerox did you think it was because I want to say hi to them and before you even ask, no, I will not walk over to the production building to do it either.
8. "Wait, I didn't know I only had twelve weeks." Hello, who was sitting at the table when I explained all this to you? Was it your twin? I can show you the paper that I gave to you, told you to take home and read and we covered it the next day when you returned.
9. "He just looks at me every time I see him and stuff and he is always looking at me in that rear view mirror thing and I think it's because he wants to sleep with me...." Hello, he drives a forklift and if he didn't look at you, he would probably run you over and then you would be here complaining about that.
10. "My lawyer said...." Wow, you have a lawyer on retainer? Hello, he must be a bad one because he's wrong. I also get a few of the "That's not what Judge Judy says." Hello, Judge Judy deals with people complaining about how the mailman knew not to put mail in the door slot and now her poor dog has a sprained ankle from jumping up and down due to the excitement of seeing mail come through that little hole. She doesn't do employment law.
Anyone else got a few?
1. The girl that shows up to work with two inches of cheek hanging out of her shorts and apparently no bra (it wasn't a cold day so....... well, I won't go there). She must have got this confused with her night job. Hello, this a manufacturing plant not a strip club. Get it right.
2. "You have to give me a break every two hours, it's the law." (and there are many more "laws" just like this one). Damn, when did that one pass. When did the employees start receiving the employment law news letter? Hello, we don't have that law in this state.
3. "I can't make it in today because I have the flu or something." Oh, come on. I saw you at karoke last night and you were drunk as a skunk. Don't you remember telling me you were gonna drink all night and sleep all day. Hello, you have a hangover not the flu. (This one can also apply to those who didn't get the approved vacation and come down with some illness on the exact day they needed off)
4. The girl that is being written up for absenteeism. All she is concerned about is the guy that called her sweetie and how it is so unfair because he didn't get in trouble and we are targeting her. Hello, with the outfits you wear I'm surprised he didn't call you something worse and he did get in trouble it's just none of your business how the situation was handled.
5. This one needs no explanation. Hello, if your gonna get up in my face you should brush your teeth. At least chew some gum.
6. The guy that came limping into work on Monday and after a half hour told his boss he just tripped over a crate and wants to file a WC claim. Hello, I've talked to a few of your co-workers and they say you got drunk Saturday night and fell out of a tree. I had to ask "what in god's name were you doing in a tree?" The worst part is he told me.
7. "Can you make a copy of this for me?" Hello, was I talking to the wall? When I said call Zerox did you think it was because I want to say hi to them and before you even ask, no, I will not walk over to the production building to do it either.
8. "Wait, I didn't know I only had twelve weeks." Hello, who was sitting at the table when I explained all this to you? Was it your twin? I can show you the paper that I gave to you, told you to take home and read and we covered it the next day when you returned.
9. "He just looks at me every time I see him and stuff and he is always looking at me in that rear view mirror thing and I think it's because he wants to sleep with me...." Hello, he drives a forklift and if he didn't look at you, he would probably run you over and then you would be here complaining about that.
10. "My lawyer said...." Wow, you have a lawyer on retainer? Hello, he must be a bad one because he's wrong. I also get a few of the "That's not what Judge Judy says." Hello, Judge Judy deals with people complaining about how the mailman knew not to put mail in the door slot and now her poor dog has a sprained ankle from jumping up and down due to the excitement of seeing mail come through that little hole. She doesn't do employment law.
Anyone else got a few?
The first friday all I heard was "you got pizza from that place, that place sucks could'nt you get it from the other($$$$$$) place!" or "When I got there the pizza was cold" (we have a microwave)or "does it have to be pizza?" or "can't you just give all of us a raise instead?"
When we reached our slow season we informed the staff that we were going to one friday a month and would revisit the issue in the fall, we got "Oh sure now you're just taking it away!"
We offer a bonus to any staff member who reccomends an applicant and they last beyond their introductory period. $50 for part timers $100 for fulltimers.
When we give them the good news that it will be on their next payroll check they complain that if it goes on the paycheck it will be taxed. I really like our employees and I think I work hard for them nut sometimes when they do things like this all I hear is WAAAAAA, WAAAAAA!
1. When I pick up the phone, which is a dedicated line into HR, and the caller says - "With whom am I speaking" ?
2. Gentlemen who wear button down shirts, and don't button the buttons.
I heard from (pick a name)who heard from (pick a name) that the company is allowing (pick a name) to get away with (choices to numerous to mention). So, how come the company won't let me.
And not from employees, I understand that you will not answer questions about the employee without their written authorization, but you are depriving them of a (mortgage, car loan, etc)and everyone does it.
Sorry for the off topic post. I've got some good bad examples too I'll post later.
We recently had an increase in health insurance, (anyone else?!) and I went to our administrator to 'tweek' it a little so that we could lessen the monthly cost to the employee. I had to raise co-pays, that were lower than most companies have them anyway, and I also had our corp raise their portion to help out. The only reply I got was--Well that isn't good! That doesn't help us!! We still have to pay more. I wanted to reply, Have you looked at the rising costs of healthcare thru the state and you are lucky I went to bat for you at all to help fray the cost! These people are driving me CRAZY!
Lady calls me and says it's unfair she didn't get the award. I say well, you took leave without pay. Our parameters says that disqualifies you. She says, no it was approved vacation and I took 40 hours. I say, why didn't you take 48 to cover that sixth day? She says I had the vacation time but I wanted to save it for my next vacation. I say, well then, you took a day of leave without pay.
She sends a letter to the GM, without informing him that I had spent 45 friggin' minutes on the phone with her the day before. Who gets the letter to respond to her? Me. So I respond, in writing this time, with the exact same thing I said to her on the phone - what a waste of time.
So what's my pet peeve? Employees who think if mom (HR) says no they can back door her and get dad (GM) to say yes.
I have explained over and over again to him that we can't act on rumors. He doesn't really act but complains about the employee constantly. Overall, morale here is terrible and I don't know what to do. I have even gone so far as to talk to corporate (his boss) about the situation after trying to tell my boss that he needs to work on his attitude. He hides and watches people (they see him of course), he only councils (humiliates) in front of someone, everything you say is stupid and the list goes on.
I have been here 6 yrs and well like (mostly) at all levels. Corporate has even offered pats on the back so I don't think I am the cause of any of this. Also, keep in mind - it's not just me, it is everyone.
Back to the corporate story. When I spoke to our GM at corp, he listened, verified my story with an employee that was promoted from our facility to corp and assured me the problem would be addressed. The problem was addressed by ALL employees having to attend "group" counseling on a Saturday that basically tried to explain to all of them how to deal with this kind of situation. Oh yeah, he had to go to private counseling. He never improved and continues to get worse and worse daily. He is almost impossible.
Please advise.
Employees who come to work dressed like hookers and get offended when men respond to them in the way men respond to hookers.
People who think the maximum of the pay grades applied to everyone else but them because I have been here to so long...I am a good employee...I go the extra mile...and blah blah blah!
The lunch thing also. Whatever you do to try to please employees as far as providing food, someone doesn't like's cold....I didn't get a chance to stuff my gut with 5 pieces of pizza....I went through this recently with an employee cookout and made me NOT want to ever do this again. We supplied chicken, hamburgers and hotdogs and employees complained they didn't get any food. When I checked, they were upset because they didn't get ALL three kinds of food. I guess that's why 75% our our workforce could probably stand to lose 30-50 pounds.
I don't make as much as so and so that works at such and such. (Well...maybe you want to apply for a job over there and work third shift and weekends instead of working M-F with us!).
I'm going to file a complaint with the labor board. (I hold the door open for them).
I want to be salaried so I can come and go as I please.
I don't want to be salaried because I have to work "overtime" and I don't get paid for it. Also, I refuse to work over 8 hours a day because I don't get paid for it.
SOMEBODY STOP ME PLEASE!!!!!!(This one is me).
We are located in the middle of a rural NY county - closest fast food is 5 miles away through town. Too far for a half hour lunch especially when a train comes through town. We set up a vendor to run a cafeteria - for approximately 300 employees at the time. No cafeteria, few complaints. Cafeteria, mega complaints - too expensive, not a good selection, typical cafeteria food, blah, blah, blah.
The more you give them the more they want - or demand.
OK, I feel better now.
PS. PAhr, I understand what you mean by Lock Haven being perceived as a drinking town - it is a college town. But, my "real" grandfather was the "town drunk" back in the 20's and 30's. At least that was my grandmother's story.
1) But these are DRESSY flip flops! They are leather, not plastic! And they have beads!
2) You can only see PART of my tattoo. Isn't that good enough?
3) But you can't see my belly if I don't lift my arms! (belly shirts)
4) I thought "spaghetti straps" were less than 1/2 inch wide. These aren't spaghetti straps because they are 3/4 inch wide.
5) But these days, they just don't make shorts that are that long! (have to be at least as long as your fingertips, when arms are hanging at your sides)
6) It's too HOT out to wear my... (whatever part of the uniform is in question)
Question "Were they a good employee?"
Answer..."I'm sorry..."
Question "Were they timely to work"
Answer "I'm sorry..."
They just will not take that answer for anything!
Another pet peeve I have is candidates who show up for nterviews like they are either going out to a club, or who just plain do not care, and are dressed like a well, like slob!
2. when applicants, salesmen, etc. come in and demand to talk to someone without an appointment...our poor receptionist puts up with so much.
3. PRE-PAID LEGAL SERIVES!!!! how come the salesmen can't accept the fact that no one is interested in their service?
4. applications that i can't read.
5. when we have our insurance renewal and no one pays attention to the changes, so the next few months I have to explain the same things over and over again.
6. when employees only read part of my memos.
I could go on and on...
get another tool...back and forth on the and there looking for the misplaced the Company has to buy new tools to replace the misplaced tools...NEXT, the guys wonder WHY they don't get raises !!!!!!!!!! I really get on their butts about this, chewing them out...
1. Employees who complain about: People sitting on the picnic table instead of the bench - can you write a memo asking people not to do that. The coffee pot has been left on the burner - can you write a memo asking people to turn off the burner. People are eating at their desk and I don't like the smell - can you write a memo asking people not to eat smelly food at their desks. There is a river of water running down the middle of the parking lot - can you please do something about that. Ok, I'll write a memo that NO ONE EVER READS!
2. Applicants who don't show up for their interviews - no phone calls nothing. When an applicant is called to set up an interview and we have to work around their schedule. Who is looking for a job, shouldn't you just drop everything when someone wants to interview you. I guess I'm from the old school.
3. Deadlines. Does anyone adhere to deadlines such as handing in forms by a certain date or responding to an invitation by a certain date? It's like pulling teeth and then they wonder why they don't have a certain benefit that everyone else has.
Yes, we are the HR police! OK I feel better now. I know I'm not alone.
My favorite title, however, was "Conscience of the Company". I think it fits.
When you are copying materials on the copy machine, i.e. the new health insurance rates for next year (would be nice to have my own private copy machine and printer!!!), and a coworker wants to know if they can have one now and you have to explain that they will be receiving one with more explanation at a later date. arg.
Employees who call to find out how many points they have on the attendance policy and then call in sick.:~~
People who know just enough about employment laws to try to tell you how to do your job. All they really know is peices and parts of something someone told them sometime in the past.#o