The Famous..or Infamous Don D.

This morning I was in Rapid city, South Dakota kicking off the 2003 South Dakota State SHRM Conference. I was the beginning key note speaker and did "Running With the Big Dogs - How To Make HR a Strategic Player. Whenever I speak to SHRM groups, at the end of my presentation, I always put up the Employers Forum website address and explain what a wonderful help it is to all HR professionals. (I hope it has helped grow our numbers and broaden the experience available to all of us.) A man in the back of the room raised his hand to ask a question. When I called on him, he asked me if I'd ever met Don D. in person! I laughed and encouraged everyone to sign on and get a flavor for the vast HR knowledge that was available on The Forum as well as experience Don D. in full living color! I thought you'd all want to know!

Perhaps Don D. should be made the centerfold for The Forum. Maybe strategically posed by the bottle tree!

Margaret Morford


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