The Famous..or Infamous Don D.

This morning I was in Rapid city, South Dakota kicking off the 2003 South Dakota State SHRM Conference. I was the beginning key note speaker and did "Running With the Big Dogs - How To Make HR a Strategic Player. Whenever I speak to SHRM groups, at the end of my presentation, I always put up the Employers Forum website address and explain what a wonderful help it is to all HR professionals. (I hope it has helped grow our numbers and broaden the experience available to all of us.) A man in the back of the room raised his hand to ask a question. When I called on him, he asked me if I'd ever met Don D. in person! I laughed and encouraged everyone to sign on and get a flavor for the vast HR knowledge that was available on The Forum as well as experience Don D. in full living color! I thought you'd all want to know!
Perhaps Don D. should be made the centerfold for The Forum. Maybe strategically posed by the bottle tree!
Margaret Morford
Perhaps Don D. should be made the centerfold for The Forum. Maybe strategically posed by the bottle tree!
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford
If you have not already done so, go to [url][/url] and look at some of Don's literary works. That might shed some light on why he posts like he does.
Don D - please remember me when you are ready to go "Big-time". I'd love to be your agent!!!!!!!!
And now that someone mentioned does Don get paid for surfing the web all day????
Margaret Morford
Thank you for your kind words. Increasing the respect for HR is a subject very near and dear to my heart! The SHRM President asked me if I'd come back next year. I told her absolutely! If they do ask me to return, I hope to see you again.
By the way, since we are two of the few Forumites to meet face-to-face, I think I should tell everyone one else that you are a dead ringer for Harrison Ford!
Margaret Morford
I GOTTA MEET YOU!! We can meet and discuss some important HR issues and you can wear a fedora, leather jacket and I'll supply the whip!! ;;)
>The S on the shirt definitely fits.
Ray, I think you need to put on your glasses...there is no 'S' on that shirt!
I have 3 pair of glasses including trifocals, I can make it look like anything I want it to.#-o
James Sokolowski
Sounds like a terrific idea. Just picture it, Don D in just a HR Forum tee shirt, sitting demurely on his bike next to his bottle tree. Come on Don, you can do it. I bet ya a dozen donuts it would make the Emploment Law Newsletter. They might even ask you to scribble down some words of wisdom to go under the picture. That should put those Forumites, that question your motives,in their place.
I GOTTA MEET YOU!! We can meet and discuss some important HR issues and you can wear a fedora, leather jacket and I'll supply the whip!! ;;)
Way too much fun. But, it helps alleviate the tedium of the whiners.
I will admit though, that although Harry is a weakness of mine, I STILL prefer my own honey.