Slow Drivers!?

Maybe its just me! Every Morning on my way to work, I pass a grocery store and a mall. It never fails that everey morning there is always a slow driver going at least 10 MPH below the speed limit and they always pull into the grocery store or the mall. Don't these people have jobs? I think if you don't have a job, you should stay off the road during rush hour traffic. Just a little frustrated this morning!
I will tell you what I can't stand -
Drivers who stop on the on ramp while trying to merge into highway traffic! Very dangerous!
How about this one? Somebody is in the left-turn lane to turn left, but they have to swing out wide to the right before making that turn, nearly clipping me off as I drive straight in that lane. If they all could just drive as well as we do.
In a related story, I heard on the radio this morning that canada is passing a new law requiring the elderly to take a road test every one or two years. A new insurance study showed that the elderly just passed teenagers as the group with the most number of fatal accidents. Scary!
I just Love It!!!!
The other one is kind of funny from my years in VA. The saying was if you saw car use a turn signal it was because it was on when they got the car and they couldn't figure out how to turn it off......x:7
Margaret Morford
Another thing we love in South Carolina is to run red lights. I have learned when a light changes, hesitate just a moment to make sure no one is gunning through the intersection to beat the light.
Our Lt. Governor just got caught in the city for speeding through red lights and running 70 miles an hour to get to a session because as you know, he has such an IMPORTANT job. When the policeman stopped him, he hopped out of his car to run back to the patrol car. The patrolman mistook this as a sign of "aggression" and pulled a gun on Mr. Lt. Governor. He did stop short of pulling the trigger though.
It's always interesting to get behind a car and it looks like nobody's driving. When you go to pass the car, you realize there is indeed a "little" person sitting behind the wheel that needs a booster seat to see over the steering wheel.
I give drivers a wide berth, both going to and coming from work.
Last summer someone did that to me and I ended up getting pulled over by a trooper for tailgating as I coasted to slow down. Got off with a warning.
it is. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to have my co-workers think about alternative modes of transportation, especially during poor weather (Company is 7 minutes walk from the underground station) - unsuccessful.
It is my belief that we have created a monster with all of the cars, and cell phones on the roads. Next time you are stuck in a traffic jam - Look around and you will see that 90% of the cars have just the driver. Think about that, for therein lies the problem.
Okay I feel better now. I'm getting down off my box!
My commute is 18 miles - about 26 minutes if I'm lucky. I stopped taking the new highway just built because every time I looked around, people were doing 80 (70 mph speed limit) and yakking on their cell phone. I take an older highway that has a view of an alpaca farm.
However, I get behind my share of older drivers doing 30 mph, soccer moms, (and I'm one with my Subaru Forester) and locals, who believe that since they are local, you know where they are going so they don't need to use their turn signals. (True story)
I have told myself that I won't get stressed over these folks and that the world will not end if I'm a few minutes late. (At least for today, I believe that!)
I suggest you all should randomly count daffodils and other flowers on the roadside and ignore traffic problems and don't let them get under your skin. What the world needs now (dum-de-dum) is more people who stay chilled out and mellow and melancholy and cheerful and gentle and of good disposition....much like me. And stop all those Bronx Cheers on the roadway and those one fingered waves you've been giving! There is hope for you all.