If You're 50, Climb In!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-14-03 AT 03:15PM (CST)[/font][p]Just bought two CD's and turned a head or two at the redlights on the way back to the office. Both groups are 30 years ago. Tell me who they are. Here are a couple of clues: One's real name is Autry DeWalt and includes "Cleo's Back", "These Eyes", and "Walk In The Night". The other group has four people, including 'Duck' Dunn and includes "Time is Tight" and "Boot Leg". Elvis' guitarist, Scotty Moore, cut the demo for this one at Sun Studios and they named the group in part after Chips Moman's automobile. One of these groups is called "The most famous backing band in the universe" and "The fathers of the Memphis and Chicago Sound"; and the other, "A five-and-a-half beat typhoon of sweat and motown testosterone-drenched soul".
(Just reading that made you want a long-neck Falstaff, huh?)
At one redlight, I read somebody's lips saying, "What's that old man doing with those speakers?"
Edit - What am I thinkin', I should have said, "If you're 40, climb in". x:-)
(Just reading that made you want a long-neck Falstaff, huh?)
At one redlight, I read somebody's lips saying, "What's that old man doing with those speakers?"
Edit - What am I thinkin', I should have said, "If you're 40, climb in". x:-)
Have no clue on the other. Probably because I am not yet 50. . for another couple weeks, then Ray and I are going over the hill together and will be able to join in legitamately (sp) with the rest of you oldies.
>eyes have seen a lot of love.. hadn't heard of the other songs, so
>guessed I was wrong and looked it up, but since that is cheating, I
>won't tell.
>Have no clue on the other. Probably because I am not yet 50. . for
>another couple weeks, then Ray and I are going over the hill together
>and will be able to join in legitamately (sp) with the rest of you
Sonny, when is your birthday? Mine is exactly 2 weeks from today. May 29th - same as Bob Hope (turning 100) and Patrick Henry. It will be the 550th anniversary of the fall of the Byzantine Empire on that day. Anybody impressed?
I would have guessed the Guess Who for the first, also.
>Toledo Ohio who was best noted for defecating on the steps of the
>court house. Birthday's have never bothered me BUT I must admit, this
>one is a bit.
Since I turn 50 a week and a half before you, I'll let you know how it is - that way you can back out if you want to. x:D
I dreaded turning 40 a decade ago. Now I don't care - can't get too much worse.
The only thing I did know was when the Guess Who did "These Eyes" it was a remake...
I recognize this as being from my teen years (I think), but I can't remember the group or name of song. (I was thinking possible Meatloaf, but not sure.)
Anyone else remember it?
I bet I could find it on CD now anyway.
I love BT&MGs! Junior Walker is cool too. I find that I enjoy just about everyone who's ever been covered by the Blues Brothers.
As I stumbled onto this post, I had just put a newly-purchased CD in the boombox beside my desk. Maybe some of you have heard it already... "Frampton Comes Alive"...
My daughter, 13, likes Brittney and Christina. Sob! Where did I go wrong? *sniff*
By the way, Brittney is aging out and Christina is porking up (according to her recent photos), so maybe the younger generation will move on to others (probably will be worse than those two, though).
My objection to the music my teenagers listen to isn't so much the artists, but the (I don't know the proper terminology) "tone" of the music. Some has been sooo depressing, degrading, downcast. I don't expect lollipops, rainbows and everything that's wonderful, but I don't think a 14, 15, 16 yr. old needs any help to feel depressed. They're usually so melodramatic at this age, they can build all the angst they need on their own.
My 20 yr. old is stuck on techno (thump, thump, thump) but my 14 yr. old is stuck on John Williams and the Boston Pops! Yeah!!!
I also have complete dictatorship over the music in my home. My 14 year old brought home the uncensored version of Kid Rock's new song, I guess it's country western, something about getting drunk and sleeping around. It went right back....