War Protester and Umbrellas

As a disclaimer let me note that I don't care if you're a protester or not. I happen not to be, so I'm going to post this appropriate joke. If you are a protester, feel free to share yours.
"Protesters in DC this week attempted to disrupt the metro system and block the Key Bridge leading in from Northern Virginia. Getting off the train, one would find protestors on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of America.
An elderly woman was approached by a 20ish young protestor offering a pamphlet. The old woman politely declined. The protester kindly put a hand on the woman's shoulder and in a very soft voice said, "Ma'am, don't you care about the children of Iraq?"
The old woman looked at the protester and said, "Honey, my first husband died in France during WWII so you would have the right to stand here and bad mouth your country. And if you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up your ass and open it."
Applause broke out among the onlookers and the protestor dropped the sign and leaflets, aghast."
....Love, prayers and best of luck to all of us who have loved ones and friends in harms way. xclap Don D.
"Protesters in DC this week attempted to disrupt the metro system and block the Key Bridge leading in from Northern Virginia. Getting off the train, one would find protestors on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of America.
An elderly woman was approached by a 20ish young protestor offering a pamphlet. The old woman politely declined. The protester kindly put a hand on the woman's shoulder and in a very soft voice said, "Ma'am, don't you care about the children of Iraq?"
The old woman looked at the protester and said, "Honey, my first husband died in France during WWII so you would have the right to stand here and bad mouth your country. And if you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up your ass and open it."
Applause broke out among the onlookers and the protestor dropped the sign and leaflets, aghast."
....Love, prayers and best of luck to all of us who have loved ones and friends in harms way. xclap Don D.
"After listening to a great deal of conservative talk radio while on the road, I have decided to protest Hollywood celebrities and their babbling anti-war lunacy by swearing off movies forever.
I just have a problem with celebrities who think their opinions about ANYTHING somehow matter. They should stick with what they actually do know something about: getting divorces, checking themselves into the Betty Ford Clinic, buying clothes they will never wear, and talking on cell phones."
And this was almost two months ago (Feb 17) in a fun topic (Non Negotiable Movies) on a thread he started! He went on a road trip and came back, shall we say, disgruntled.
I couldn't agree with you and Paul more! I refused to watch the OSCAR's this year because of the "stars" annoying habit of stating their opinions on the war. I have heard of a website that shows a list of anti-war celebrities and their educational background (i.e. dropped out of high school) v. those in the White House (Yale and Harvard grads w/masters degrees in political science etc.)and I must admit, it's is quite humorous! It just wouldn't be America without them though, right? x;-)
Could you post the website?
To be honest, I just think we won't know for sure whether this war was a good idea or not for 5-10 years. Only history will prove the President right or wrong. And somehow, I don't think history will take Barbara Streisand's opinion into consideration.
The war will be judged by the outcome, the stability of the region, our ability to facilitate a democracy in Iraq, and last but not least discovery of weapons of mass destruction (have you heard that term before?)
I pray this was the correct course of action and I pray for peace and freedom for the Iraqi people and the quick return of our men and women in the armed forces.
I first want to say that I am not making a statement about the war or my political convictions, just big mouthed anti-war celebrities
Here is the website with the celebrity credentials vs. White House Staff for those of you who are interested, I highly recommend it!
click on article "Who should run America? Hollywood or the White House?". If the site doesn't work, try typing "who should run America" in your favorite search engine and you should come up with this article.
Also another (I said it was a liberal site, but I guess it would be a conservative site?) website can be found if you do a search for "citizens against celebrity pundits" It is a website with many links related to this topic and a petition against anti-war celbrities.
Again, I don't mean to offend anyone! This is all for fun
Thank you for the sites. I don't think you offended anyone. I agree with you about the celebrities. I have had it with them. They think their opinions matter more than anyone elses.