Take my snow, please?!?

Speaking of snow, who out there is experiencing a drought?? I have over 2/12 feet (yes, over 30 inches!!) of new snow you can have, cheap! We've gotten at least 4 feet of snow from several storms prior to this, and with the cold weather, it hasn't completely melted (still probably about a foot on the ground before Monday's storm). I haven't seen grass since late November, early December!! I am so sick and tired of snow falling and accumulating...of shoveling and being cold. What ever happened to the fun times I used to have with snow...oh yea, I got old!!
There's got to be someone out there who wants this snow...I'd be happy to rent a U-haul or a refridgerated truck to ship it to you!
There's got to be someone out there who wants this snow...I'd be happy to rent a U-haul or a refridgerated truck to ship it to you!
Certainly, there is more than enough snow in New Jersey
to cover Mt. Hood and my front yard !
I can't wait to get to the Jersey Shore and soak up the sun, sand and some funnel cake and fudge.
Please send some moisture our way, pray to the rain Gods, do a rain dance, etc., we're desperate, and, oh yea, my yard is dying from lack of a good drink!
Just a warning, if we don't get moisture soon, there will be no wheat to make bread, no corn for your corn flakes, no sunflowers, for your sunflower seeds! Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating just a little, but its out of pure desparation!!
It's a double order for parabeagle and the ski resorts (although, you could always come out and ski by our resorts!)
Chari needs some her way, so a truckload it is as well as to Leslie, Safety, Riley and Gillian...
Thanks HR Girl, we may need to pool our resources to get these orders filled.
I think with all these orders to fill, I'll be out of snow just in time for the next snow storm they're predicting for Monday. A measly 8 inches or so they're calling for this time ... x:'(
Bah Humbug...can I say that? NO MORE SNOW...PLEASE!!!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Now I have seen it all! That's really cute. We should have a contest for the best HR snowman!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor