Happy V Day

I just want to wish all of my friends on the forum a Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has a good one as well as a great weekend!
(On a personal note, I asked by boyfriend to get me a Swiffer Wet Jet Mop, isn't that romatic?!)
(On a personal note, I asked by boyfriend to get me a Swiffer Wet Jet Mop, isn't that romatic?!)
Are you referring to the shower? The Hoover? Or the Swiffer (whatever that is--what a great name, though! And especially for Valentine's, as it conjures up all kinds of images! x:-8
>PS: I was just advised that a Muslim and a Jehova's [sic] Witness, both
>employed here, are offended by the observance of St. Valentine's Day. Perhaps
>we should banish it from the workplace.
You ARE a trouble maker today, aren't you Don! x:7
By the way, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY everyone!
>had a very good time as there is nothing we enjoy more than being with
>our boys and watching them grow.
My boy recently turned 22. Although I'm watching him become a man now, there's nothing I would not give to go back in time to those days when I was watching him and his sister 'grow'. I'd even spring for a freezing camping trip.
Thanks for your comments,