
We've talked about what we wish for, what we hate and what we love about our jobs. We've talked about our favorite quotes, funny applications and resumes. I think it's about time that we "toot" our own horns so to speak and tell our cohorts here on the forum, just what it is that we do best of all on our jobs!
Me, there are three things specifically that I do really well,
1) I'm very good at representing the company, and jobs in the most positive manner. Even the most mundane of jobs sounds like a thrill ride (without providing falsehoods). (Comes from a good solid sales background...I was one of the few "honest" salespeople!)
2) On the same vein: Always positive, upbeat and approachable for all employees, no matter what kind of day I'm having.
3) I learn things quickly and ususally don't make the same mistake twice. For instance, I'm very good with the HRIS systems (we've had 2 in my tenure here) as far as getting reports etc. out of the system; with no prior experience.
Okay, your turn...
Me, there are three things specifically that I do really well,
1) I'm very good at representing the company, and jobs in the most positive manner. Even the most mundane of jobs sounds like a thrill ride (without providing falsehoods). (Comes from a good solid sales background...I was one of the few "honest" salespeople!)
2) On the same vein: Always positive, upbeat and approachable for all employees, no matter what kind of day I'm having.
3) I learn things quickly and ususally don't make the same mistake twice. For instance, I'm very good with the HRIS systems (we've had 2 in my tenure here) as far as getting reports etc. out of the system; with no prior experience.
Okay, your turn...
Actually this is an interesting and intimidating question (notice how many views compared to replies).
I will give it a shot.
1. I'm solution oriented.
2. I communicate fairly well.
3. I am sensitive to what is going on around me.
4. I can say I am sorry and I was wrong.
5. I speak for those who can't always speak for themselves.
6. I am loyal to this organization.
7. I really care about doing a good job.
8. I can learn.
9. I try to balance work/life.
10. I stop when I see a great sunset or just a really dramatic cloud.
Hey that was fun. I hope others will take some time and recognize all that's super about them. If you want to know all my faults, ask my wife.
>would have to say that my humility and sense of humor would be in the
>top ten.
>Actually this is an interesting and intimidating question (notice how
>many views compared to replies).
>I will give it a shot.
Paul, such a brave soul. Yes, it is always hard to describe your good qualities, but I felt we all could use a morale booster!! Thank-you for being you and confident enough to respond to such an "interesting and intimidating question."
Wish more people here were as self-assured!
Don has admonished me appropriately already Rita. I guess I've always felt a little on the 'outside' of things. I'm not as wise as some of the folks out there...just shy I guess. I'm working my way up to a full profile one day, maybe when I feel I've reached the 'esteemed' status of my colleagues. are correct in your assumptions. I never want to be accused of giving out false / incorrect information...I tend to take it all in, assess, and answer if I know I'm right or if I feel strongly enough about a situation to offer an opinion.
Now, how about responding to the question I posed???
One lousy time...I actually am very meticulous about making sure I spell things correctly...duly noted and corrected!
Sorry if I offended anyone.
>03:56 PM (CST)[/font]
>Ok ALL of you, back to your cells. Sorry HS, good thread potentially,
>gone a stray. . at least for now.
Yes it has gone WAY off the topic! So, why isn't anyone else up to the challenge of tooting his or her own horns? Really, it's not that hard when you get into the flow of it. Plus it's excellent practice should you find yourself needing or wanting to look for new employment!
(1) I will give my boss what I feel is an honest answer whether he wants to hear it or not.
(2) I will continue to strive to lace competence, professionalism and credibility with a degree of humor, trying to always remember to not take myself too seriously.
(3) I will continue to tell people in my department, "I may tell you I would have handled something differently, but I will never criticize you or berate you for what you did or a decision you made."
(4) I will keep a photo of my favorite fishing hole on my favorite lake right on top of my computer monitor, for as long as I have a job and a dream of getting away from it for awhile.
(5) I hope my day will be interrupted throughout every day for the rest of my life by thoughts of my children, what they're up to and what I can do to make their life better.
(6) I will kiss my wife every morning unless I am leaving the house and she is still asleep.
(7) I will invite others to evaluate me based on their observation of how I treat my mother when nobody is looking.
(8) I will do my best to have an open door and to provide a responsible answer to any person appearing therein with a question or concern.
(9) I will always strive to keep as a motto, "If I don't have the answer, I will bust my ass to get you one."
(10) I will not steal from you, take credit for what you've done or give you anything to do that I wouldn't be willing to do myself.
(11) I will flip off (perhaps figuratively, perhaps not) any neighbor who smirks at me and thinks he is better than I am.
(12) I will continue to take many weekend road trips being careful to search out beautiful things in nature, hurt animals and stuff I could easily pick up and stow in my trash bag.
(13) I will hope to one day return to doing watercolors and throwing pots.
(14) I will promise my children, as I always did, that if anybody mistreats them in any manner that suggests parental (even an old parent) involvement is appropriate, I will step forward, even if I have to do it with a cane to help me along.
(15) I will do my best to appreciate the contributions others make or attempt to make, without applying my own definitions of contributions.
(16) Lastly, I will continue to do things for people whether or not I know them and whether or not anybody on earth will ever had any idea I did them.
1. I like to look for the good in people and especially in the ones everyone
else wants to write off as a lost case.
2. I can sing and I am a good volleyball player.
3. If for one second I felt my job got in the way of God or family, I could
leave it without a second thought..although I love my job.
4. Organization is my mantra, my calling, my gift you might say..
5. If I see a hurt animal, it breaks my heart and I have to help if I can.
6. I am loyal to a fault and if you think of trying to hurt those I love,
I have a brown belt in karate, so bring it on!!:0)
7. I love my husband more than Harrison Ford
8. I see my job as making a difference, rathar than maintaining a status quo.
9. I may not like it, but I can be honest about my faults and work on them.
Ok, that's about as positive about myself as I can be at one time!
>of the ridiculous and an appreciation for theater of the
That would be 'being in the army' and 'being a stay at home mom', right? x:-)
First, HR -1)I won't do anything to harm the trust that employees, managers and faculty have in me and my department. In a university setting, faculty trust is hard to come by and something to be valued. 2) I will continue to believe that there are no "problem employees". There are employees who have a problem, though, and maybe we can help them correct their problem and maybe not. 3)Until the day that I hang it up, I will continue to teach HR and mentor those who have less experience than me. 4) On the day I hang it up, I won't look back and will head off looking forward to the new.
Other 1)I will keep my mother at my house (age 97) as long as I possibly can and remain tolerant of her reading the same article out loud over and over right in the middle of the news, and will not laugh or cry when she says things like "tell me the truth, how long has Sinclair (me) been dead?" 2)I will always be there for my wife and my kids (one of them is Gillian) - the secret is out.
That's enough.