Neil Diamond

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-23-02 AT 10:12AM (CST)[/font][p]Have any of you seen Neil Diamond in concert lately? He will be in Kansas City in December and I'm considering buying tickets. I feel it could go either way. Either he will be burned out and his performance will be lackluster x:-(, or I will be on my feet and singing Cracklin' Rosie and Sweet Caroline all night.:DD I appreciate any input.
I saw Neil D. about 3 mos ago and he rocked the house with his performance. He continues to perform with the same enthusiasm he did 20 yrs ago.
The first three or four comments to my question gave me the motivation I needed. I'm going to order my tickets and go to the concert. xclap One of the first cassettes I ever purchased when I was in 2nd grade was his "Heartlight" album. I guess I've been a fan ever since. And that's been over 20 years. I'll probably be one of the younger fans at the show, but that's ok. Age is in attitude and I enjoy hanging out with people that are older than I am, especially when they are young at heart. My boyfriend is 10 years older than I am. He's 40. Usually when people guess his age they say anywhere between 25 and 35.
Here's a question for all of you...if you didn't know your age, how old would you think you were?
>old would you think you were?
Hold on a minute while I cut off a limb and count the rings....
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Now I live on the coast and all my romantic notions of seagulls are totally gone.
>Here's a question for all of you...if you didn't know your age, how
>old would you think you were?
In response to this question, here's a story for you.
When they did the census two years ago (think it was 2 yrs), the census man rang my doorbell on a Saturday afternoon and I was in the middle of feeding my 4yr old daughter lunch. I ran to the door to answer it and the nice gentleman looked at me and asked me if my mommie was home. Now let me give you a little background about myself. I am only 4' 11" tall, not much taller than the 4th graders in my daughters school. I stood there dumb founded with the question, wanting to be a smart a-- but thinking better of it. Well my nosy rosy 4yr old came running up behind me with my growling black lab behind her (he doesn't like strange men coming to the door when my husband isn't home)screaming...."MOMMIE MOMMIE WHO IS AT THE DOOR, IS IT COMPANY?"
I looked at the census man and he was crimson. I told him no, my mommie doesn't live here but her mommie does. Can this mommie help you with something? He didn't quite know what to say, so he shoved a flyer in my PB&J covered hand and told me I looked really busy, please call the number on the flyer and give them your information.
I smiled the rest of the day!
Either I'm much younger than the crowd around here, or I live in an area where Neil Diamond is so far off the radar, that there wasn't radar when he left!
Just kidding...I'm not quite that young. Although my little brother (13 years younger) didn't have a clue who Michael Jackson was when he came up in conversation the other day (not that he's missing out on much!).
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
I have been lucky enough to see Neil Diamond in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia and also at Madison Square Garden. The Madison Square Garden show was not long after September 11 and was probably the best show I have ever seen, as everyone there really got into the whole mood, especially when he started with America. He may be getting on in years but is still a wonderful performer with a great voice, although in Australia there is a lounge bar singer who does a great impersonation of him, and like mentioned in an earlier posting is a lot cheaper to see.