Need Catbert Evil HR Director

With all the busy, serious HR stuff we all do this may not seem as important as a workers comp hearing but can anyone tell me where I can find a stuffed version of Catbert the Evil HR Director from the Dilbert strip?
It would mean a great deal to me...
It would mean a great deal to me...
I have one that I ordered from a catalogue years ago. He's almost 10" tall sitting down. I don't remember what catalogue and have never seen one since. However, I checked the tag on him and it was made by the Commonwealth Toy & Novelty Co., Inc. out of New York, New York and Bunde, Holland. It also has Reg. No. PA 48 on it if that will help you. I hope you can search the internet and find this company. Let me know if you do find it, I'd like to order a few for my clients. Good luck!
Margaret Morford
Krista Denn
Mpls. MN
I once toyed with the idea of bringing the stuffed Catbert with me whenever I had to have one of those awkward disciplinary discussions when the offense level is pretty minor but you still have to deal with it. I thought that might keep things light and in perspective.
Thats probably not a good idea though...
Good luck.
By the way, my stuffed Dogbert sends his regards from atop my bookcase.
(P.S.: [b]ritaanz[/b], I don't guess we need to tell you about that singing hamster with the nunchaku, do we? x:D )
Don't tempt me. Remember HR people are supposed to set THE example.