What ticks you off?

I really appreciate the sense of community and support I have seen in this forum. Its great to hear "hey, I understand what you are going through."
So, in that spirit... what ticks you off in your job? I don't know if you will get any help or advice but it might feel good to vent and it may be encouraging to others who deal with the same frustrations.
I will start... what ticks me off are managers/supervisors who don't understand that conducting performance evaluations and documenting performance problems are PART of their job and not something to do when they have time. Usually, its the same managers who come to me when a problem with an employee has gotten out of hand.
Your turn...
So, in that spirit... what ticks you off in your job? I don't know if you will get any help or advice but it might feel good to vent and it may be encouraging to others who deal with the same frustrations.
I will start... what ticks me off are managers/supervisors who don't understand that conducting performance evaluations and documenting performance problems are PART of their job and not something to do when they have time. Usually, its the same managers who come to me when a problem with an employee has gotten out of hand.
Your turn...
CEOing well.
I guess my biggest "tick off" is the ever increasing feeling of entitlement I see among employees in that they tell their supervisors what they are and are not going to do and supervisors are too cowed to stand up to them because (1) they are afraid they will quit and leave them short handed and (2) they will cause them trouble and (3) they are just chicken and don't want to do the confrontating of the problem. Then....when the problem gets out of hand...they want me to step in and fix it. Supervisors will gripe to no end about an employee, but they are not willing to take the initative to try to address it with the employee.
I, too, have had the experience of a supervisor wanting to get rid of a problem employee and then the personnel file looks like Mother Teresa. When I tell the supervisor the person cannot be terminated based on documentation, they look at me like I've taken leave of my senses. What's worse, is when a supervisor inherits a person, they are obviously a person who needs to be helped out the door and the previous supervisor has given them glowing recommendations and reviews.
Even thought it's supposed to be good morale to promote supervisors from within, I feel sometimes it's best to bring in supervisors that don't have a history with the people they have worked with and have an easier time confronting issues.
>This is an interesting subject, and you could subtitle it: "The
>Hazardous Duty of HR." The problem, as others have outlined so
>vividly, is that we in HR tend to see all the "messes" that companies
>can get into, and we are usually the ones who are called upon to clean
>up. Added to that is something no one has yet mentioned: we know how
>much money everyone makes. Doesn't it kill you to see someone get a
>nice raise,and you know with absolute clarity that he/she is an idiot?
> So the challenge, as I see it, is to be able to absorb all that
>profound knowledge and maintain your own integrity and morale.
>Sometimes it's a daily struggle, but then I recite that tried and true
>mantra from The Godfather: this is the business we've chosen. It's a
>business that I love and feel fortunate to practice. Thanks for
I guess if I had to pick one today (it'll change tomorrow) it will be the unbelievable number of supervisors who either will not or can not embrace the theory of realistic/meaningful performance reviews. There's an extremely high percentage who operate from the halo theory of supervision. They all cross my desk and I see the same upper-end raise percentages time after time with the same untrue and self serving statements in the review. Our customer service manager turned one in last week touting an employee's punctuality and attention to assignment. I went over and asked, "Is this the same person who is never here prior to 8:22 and the same person who continually takes one hour and 16 minutes for lunch who is also selling Avon at work?" She downgraded the item from superior to satisfactory. x:-( After reading through all these postings from you guys though, these are really challenges and these are what maintains our seat at the table. x:-)
Maybe we should do one called.. "what do you love about your job?" to balance out the negative with all the good stuff we like in HR.
But before we do that, here is another gripe - being accused of having an agenda that promotes the well being of only our lower level employees (because I stick up for them).
Other gripes: 1. Employees who don't read benefit information when it's given to them and they are asked to read it. I'm constantly repeating myself, and once I help them with their question, they act like it's the first time they've have heard the information.
2. "the high maintenance employee" gets on my nerves - everybody has at least one - always has questions or requests you to do impossible things i.e. "I'm going on vacation & I don't have direct deposit for my paychecks - can you deposit my check for me?" Or "My 401(k) fund is loosing money - what are you going to do to fix it?" This guy kills me!
And of course, we only hear about the absenteeism and attendance problems when the department manager is fed up and ready to get rid of a problem employee.
I've always said I could love my job if I just didn't have to deal with all these people!
Or - a Manager who has worked in one dept for 38 years and thinks he owns the company and every other dept in the plant! His nick name is the "bully". I inherited much when I stepped in here a year ago!
Or - employees that tell you they will not work overtime, so you hire weekend people to take their place then the whole facility is in an uproar because they accuse you of taking away their overtime! I just love it!!!
Or - Supervisors & Managers that complain and complain about a problem and when you go to fix it they change their story because they are non-confrontational!
Or - People who continually complain about an issue but the minute you offer the solution - you're the bad guy. Come to find out they just like to complain!
Or - you have the opportunity to work for a company whose doing business in this day and age but their mindset is stuck in the 60's! What fun!
Perhaps I should stop complaining and look for another job!!!
Hope you all have a better day
assitant, left his wife, married the admin. and decided not to come in
the office anymore because he doesn't want to spend too much time with
her! (I'm guessing) To top it all off, she whines to him about employees
who don't treat her well, and he fires them...by email! Oh, and I'm
supposed to keep the Company out of legal hot water!
Why do I keep this job? It's part-time and I work work around my children's
schedules! That's what I love best about my job.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Just once I would like to be able to say "Im sorry, but hiring you would violate our 'no psychos' policy."
Have fun, its friday!
However; What REALLY ticks me off are employees who have been in the
company for more than 15 or 20 years and are practicing their "ownership"
rights of the place and therefore feel they are no longer subject to
correction, direction, education or work!
How do you break through such an established wall?