Margaret took the challenge and you can too. Just about all of you have your profile disabled, perhaps unknowingly. The challenge is to go into your profile, enable it, and fill out the form provided. Lighten up! List something crazy about yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously. Who among you will tell us something you might otherwise take to the grave with you? Trust us, no one will repeat it. "Do not hide behind a bush, anonymously, unless the emperor's men persue you (Confucius)".O=*
If I was going to take it to the grave with me, why would I tell you? I know you are headed for that desert island, but sooner or later the monkeys will escape and then all my secrets will be known. I think I'll keep my secrets secret and just let you in on the 'public' info. ;;)
Mickicini: You have a user profile set up on the Forum. It lists certain things about you from basic (name and location) to blood type and shoe size if you wish. You would have filled one out when you first got on. Most are 'disabled' because the user clicked on disable. Christy is the expert on this stuff in case there are questions.
[b]You can modify your profile by following these steps:[/b]
1. Go to the main Lobby page of the forum: [url][/url]
2. Make sure you are logged in (if you see a Login icon under "Employers Forum," click the icon to first log in. If you see Read New, Search, Mark All icons, you are already logged in).
3. Once you're logged in, click the User icon.
4. Choose "Modify your profile and set forum options" and click Submit.
- The first option is "Hide your profile - yes or no." No allows other people to view your profile, yes keeps it hidden.
- Most people are filling in their Hobbies and adding Comments to their profile.
5. Click Submit Changes when you are finished.
[b]You can view someone's profile by following these steps:[/b]
- You have to be looking at a post they've posted on the forum.
- Look at the top of the post where it tells who posted:
Don D (628 posts) [b]4 icons show up here[/b]
- The 3rd icon over, the face icon, is the Profile icon. Click on it to read that person's profile.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
>put on top of his head and run around camp showing it off?
You mean Radar O'Reilly, of Ottumwa Iowa? hehe
You know, the point Don's making ties in with this M*A*S*H stuff very well. One of the things that made that show so great was that we knew little things about the characters - where they were from, their former occupations, names of their family members. I know this forum is already a great show, but it can always get better!