Holiday pay before/after sick
Our policy reads:
"Employees must have worked (or used an approved vaation or personal day) on his/her last regularly scheduled work day immediately before the holiday AND their first regularly schedule work day following the holiday in order to be paid for the holiday."
We found this to be harsh on someone who is truly sick. So I proposed adding...
"An employee that used a sick day on the regularly schedule work day before or after a holiday must provide a doctor's excuse in order to be paid for the holiday."
But my directors found this to still be harsh, because not every illness needs a doctor's appointment. So it's still punishing a truly sick employee who doesn't need to visit the doctor.
95% of the time, sick/holiday pay is not abused, but its those certain few employees who really abuse it. They'll claim to be sick right before a holiday, at a time when we are already understaffed because holiday time is a natural time for some employees to use approved vacation time.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't seem to please the directors on this issue.
"Employees must have worked (or used an approved vaation or personal day) on his/her last regularly scheduled work day immediately before the holiday AND their first regularly schedule work day following the holiday in order to be paid for the holiday."
We found this to be harsh on someone who is truly sick. So I proposed adding...
"An employee that used a sick day on the regularly schedule work day before or after a holiday must provide a doctor's excuse in order to be paid for the holiday."
But my directors found this to still be harsh, because not every illness needs a doctor's appointment. So it's still punishing a truly sick employee who doesn't need to visit the doctor.
95% of the time, sick/holiday pay is not abused, but its those certain few employees who really abuse it. They'll claim to be sick right before a holiday, at a time when we are already understaffed because holiday time is a natural time for some employees to use approved vacation time.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't seem to please the directors on this issue.
Holiday pay is a reward, not an entitlement. If you have to think about it as an attendance award, then so be it. That's how we play.
If someone has abused their leave and doesn't have enough, they get hit hard b/c they don't get paid for the holiday, putting them into a leave without pay for the day, which also means that they do not earn an annual (vacation) leave accrual for that pay period.