Our Illnois State Police organization has a service that they provide for $10 per check with a 24 hour turn around most of the time; maybe look there? It is conducted via a modem connection that requires a software download. We also use ADP Screening & Selection (also web based) for other items like credit histories and driving records. ADP does have additional criminal checks and the like that they offer as well.
We just started using Verifications, Inc. They do the background checks for some larger companies in the area and we needed to comply with the credit card company regulations when taking Visa cards so we signed up with them.
There are many good companies out there - prices vary somewhat, but having the capability to request information on-line is really the way to go. Just a word of caution -- Many background verification companies offer a "Nationwide Criminal Search" - be very careful about utilizing that service as only about 30 states actually report to the national crime data base. Therefore, if you think you are getting the scoop on someone's crime history on a national basis, you are only getting a portion. So if someone was on a crime spree in a state that does not report to the national database, you won't catch it. The most thorough way (and more expensive as well) is to first do a social security trace, then perform a state-wide search in each state the applicant resided in. It all depends on how thorough you want to be when cehcking criminal records.
HR Hat
APRIL - O'Fallon, IL