Can Supervisor's Notes regarding a counseling meeting with an employee be kept in the Personnel File? Does the employee have to sign it before it can be placed?
yes, the notes can be placed in the file and it does not have to be signed by the employee. However, if further, more serious disciplinary measures are necessary, such as a written warning, the employee should be asked to sign the warning, indicating they have been issued the warning (which is not an admission that they necessarily agree with it). I also like to add a section for the employee to write any comments or rebuttals regarding the disciplinary action, or preferably, to indicate his/her committment to correct the problem. I recommend another managment rep be present during this stage, and if the employee refuses to sign the warning, just note "employee refused to sign" and have both managers sign or initial next to that notation.
Yes, I agree, you can and should put counseling info in the employee's file. It's relevant to their history. I only have employees sign formal warnings and if they refuse, we just note "Refused to sign at such and such date and time".
If someone refuses to sign I just turn the page over and have them write "refused to sign" and then sign their name. So far I have never had anyone refuse to do this, but to be honest, I haven't had that many refuse to sign.
Just food for thought.
Good luck!