Cell phone policy

Hi all,
We're updating our handbook and want to include a policy on cell phone usage while driving - does anyone have one they wouldn't mind sharing?
We're updating our handbook and want to include a policy on cell phone usage while driving - does anyone have one they wouldn't mind sharing?
XYZ Company is aware that many employees use mobile telephones and other wireless communication devices (“mobile phones”) in carrying out their daily duties and responsibilities. XYZ is also aware of the potential distractions that may arise when mobile phones are used by employees while operating a moving vehicle, such as a van, automobile or truck (“moving vehicle”). In keeping with its obligations under federal and state occupational health and safety laws, to maintain a safe and healthful workplace and to minimize the safety risks for our employees, customers, and passengers in such moving vehicles and the public at large, XYZ has adopted the following policy with respect to the use by employees of mobile telephones while operating a moving vehicle. This policy applies regardless of whether the employee is operating a company-owned vehicle or the employee's own vehicle in the course of employment
For purposes of this policy, “use” of a mobile phone includes talking or listening on a mobile phone.
“Hands-free” devices, include any attachment, add-on, or addition to a mobile phone, whether or not permanently installed in the vehicle, that when used allow the operator of the vehicle to maintain both hands (or prosthetic devices or aids in the case of a disabled person) on the applicable steering device of the vehicle.
Employees are required to familiarize themselves and comply at all times with the laws of the state/locality in which they work with respect to the use of mobile phones. For example, where a local law prohibits the use of a mobile phone by anyone operating a moving vehicle, employees are also prohibited by this policy from using a mobile phone.
No employee is to engage in the use of a mobile phone while operating a motor vehiclethat is in motion, unless such mobile phone is equipped and used with a hands-free device. (The only exception to this policy is where a phone call is made in a bona fide emergency, such as to call to 911 or a similar emergency number (e.g., to call an ambulance, fire department).)
Even with a hands-free device, mobile phone use should be kept to a minimum; conversations should be as brief as possible and employees should refrain from making unnecessary calls. Where possible and, again, even with a hands-free device, mobile phone calls should be made when the vehicle an employee is operating is not in motion. Employees using mobile phones should always remember not to discuss confidential issues with others present who do not have a “need to know” such information, and that mobile phone “courtesy” should be practiced at all times (i.e., when others are present, do not talk loud or in a manner that could be offensive to others).
The Company is also aware that many employees operate other vehicles in the course of their employment, including golf and other shuttle carts, forklift trucks and the like. While this policy does not expressly prohibit the use of mobile phones while operating such equipment, the Company discourages such use, except where essential for the employee to perform his or her job duties
Reimbursement for mobile phone and hands-free device purchases shall be handled in accordance with the Company's normal expense reimbursement policies. Employees should consult their supervisor or local human resources representative for details. Questions regarding this policy should be directed by employees to their supervisors, human resources representative or risk manager.