Disaster Recovery

Does anyone have or know where I can find assistance to creating the Human Resource policy on disaster recovery. A large project I am working on and was looking for some help to get my arms around this one!



  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Disaster recovery as in emergency planning/preparedness? FEMA has tons of information available to help you put together your plan. Other good sources are your local Fire/EMS folks. Depending on your industry/size/location you may have a little or a lot to get you all the way to bright on this.

    If you could share more information on this and what exactly you are looking for, perhaps we can be of more help.

  • We did this several years ago and there are lots of steps and lots of assistance out there. The first thing we did was to decide if we were going to focus just on our company and it's needs or were we going to participate in the larger community aspects of a disaster.

  • >Disaster recovery as in emergency
    >planning/preparedness? FEMA has tons of
    >information available to help you put together
    >your plan. Other good sources are your local
    >Fire/EMS folks. Depending on your
    >industry/size/location you may have a little or
    >a lot to get you all the way to bright on this.
    >If you could share more information on this and
    >what exactly you are looking for, perhaps we
    >can be of more help.

    Yes, Disaster Recovery is emergency planning/preparedness and I will certainly check out those websites.

    What we have done is created a "mock disaster" on our company (electrical fire) and we are to gather information to help us better prepare (i.e. contact lists, forms, how we will process payroll/benefits without the use of computers etc.) I didn't know if anyone out there has done something similar and is willing to share?

  • I, too, would like a copy of your plan. This is something we need to work on also. Thanks! My e-mail address is [email]slong@gswsa.com[/email].
  • Could I also get a copy. I been assigned the taks to develop a plan for our agency. My email is [email]kschulenberg@nekcap.org[/email] THANK YOU!!
  • Livindon is no longer a member, maybe one of the posters that received the information can forward it to you.
  • Another thought for project resources... our insurance company (property and liability coverage) had a free "draft/template" that we were able to customize. My company is a television station, and the draft they gave us was industry specific for us. This might be available for your industry by your insurance company. Different insurances specialize in underwriting different industries. Good luck!
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