Are your personnel policies online?

I'm interested in how folks communicate/distribute their personnel policies. Do you hand out hard copies, with or without signatures required? Do you have a downloadable document available online? Do you have a searchable document available online?
We've also posted them on our intranet, but have placed a watermark on all pages that states they are uncontrolled documents and to check with HR for the latest revision.
When a new version is issued, a hard copy of the disclaimer is issued and a signature required for the personnel file.
>We have our employee policies on line in a
>downloadable document. We have employees sign
>hard copies that they have read and understand
>the policies. We have language in the document
>which says ER can change the policies but we
>always have sign off that they read the changes
>when we do.
[Company Name] Employee Handbook
Acknowledgement Form
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in [Company Name]’s Employee Handbook that is located on the [Company Name] intranet. By providing access to the employee handbook on the intranet, the company expressly revokes any and all previous policies and procedures which are inconsistent with the current [Company Name] Employee Handbook.
I agree to conform to the rules, policies and regulations of [Company Name] as described in the employee handbook. I understand that the policies, procedures, rules and benefits described are subject to change and may be revised based on company circumstances. I understand that future changes will supersede or eliminate those found in this handbook, and that employees will be notified of such changes through normal communication channels. As an employee of [Company Name], I understand that I should direct any questions regarding the employee handbook to my manager, any member of the [Company Name] management team or a representative from Human Resources.
I also understand and agree that the information contained in the handbook does not constitute an employment contract between [Company Name] and me, and that either [Company Name] or I may terminate our employment relationship at any time, with or without cause.