Interview Forms?

I'm looking for examples of interview forms- short, sweet, and to the point, but with the flexibility to meet a variety of positions' needs and provide feedback.
I know- I thought of suggesting a blank piece of paper, too, but figured some of y'all have fabulous interview forms just begging to be appreciated by a wider audience. Thanks!
I know- I thought of suggesting a blank piece of paper, too, but figured some of y'all have fabulous interview forms just begging to be appreciated by a wider audience. Thanks!
Unless I use eight point type...
send to me too please.
My email is [email][/email]
Joan Bergman
HR Generalist
Del Mar Analytical
My e-mail address is [email][/email]
Thank you.
>points. If you would like to look it over,
>please give me your email address and I will
>email it to you. Have a good day!
Do you still have the Interview Form to share?
Would appreciate a copy. [email][/email]
E-mail copy is available.
Anne in Ohio
Could I get a copy too. My email is [email][/email] THANK YOU!!
Here is a list of questions that I use:
Applicant’s Name Date
1. Why are you looking to change jobs?
2. Tell me of a situation when you had to use judgement to solve a problem - What did you do?
3. What sort of reference do you think your current supervisor would give you?
4. Why do you feel you would be the best person for this position?
5. What would you say your strengths are? Weaknesses?
6. What does customer service mean to you?
7. How do you feel about working overtime?
8. How are your computer skills ( give me examples of different programs you have worked on)
9. What knowledge/skills would you bring to this new positions?
10. How would you describe your ability to copy with last minute change ?
11. What is your experience dealing with all levels of management?
Was applicant offered position ________YES ___________NO
"Briefly describe position. Ask what questions the applicant has about the position.
Review application, write applicant’s answers on reverse side of this form. Ask applicant to explain any gaps in employment.
This position requires you travel to all Sunrise locations in the valley. Do you have a reliable method of transportation to meet this requirement? £ Yes £ No
Tell me about a previous job when you were required to manage your own time – how did you ensure that everything was completed in the time available to you?
What did you enjoy most about your experience in the childcare industry?
What did you enjoy the least?
Describe your “ideal” childcare setting.
Tell me about your experience in building relationships with staff members.
What experience do you have in supervising managers?
What salary range would you consider?
Explain our wage scale. If offered the job, do you feel comfortable with this rate of pay?
Explain the “next step”:
Qualified applicants will scheduled second interview. Remaining applicants will be contacted via form letter indicating other applicants are being considered."
We also rate them on Professionalism, Social Skills and Communication Skills: either superior, average or poor. We determined a "standard" for each area so its easy for the interviewer to determine how the applicant measures up.