Employee Handbook

As my name implies, I'm a CPA by trade, not Human Resources. But it seems lately that 90% + of my job is Human Resources related. Having said this, I have been charged with writing an Employee Handbook and a Safety Manual for Workers Comp purposes. We are an architectural firm employing approximately 60 employees in New Orleans. Where do I beegin? Are there sample Architectural Handbooks out there that I can model ours from? Please advise. Thanks!
Your company falls under a number of federal laws & state laws -- you need to know what the company wants to do, go over & above what is required or meet the requirements. For example FMLA, you can require that employees use all of their earned time off or not.
Other areas that you will need to know how they want to deal with is - sexual harassment/harassment free environment, who is in the chain of command for a report to be made to, how are you going to train employees/supervisors on the policy.
Other topics to cover: performance evaluations, access to personnel files, how will you handel a RIF, resignation/exit interview, employee classifictions, hours of work/breaks, recording hours of work/overtime, pay periods, gudielines for conduct, absences, vacation, holidays, jury duty, etc.!!!
I can send you a general outline if you would like.
Margaret Morford