Empoyee Personal Data

After an applicant is hired for a position with our company they are
required to complete an application packet, lots of paperwork. One of the areas is for reporting to different agencies such as the EEOC. One of the areas we track is race. Our application has a check place for Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Asian, American Indian and other. We seem to be having compliants from the African American people who take offense, so I am asking what others use. Thanks for your input.
required to complete an application packet, lots of paperwork. One of the areas is for reporting to different agencies such as the EEOC. One of the areas we track is race. Our application has a check place for Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Asian, American Indian and other. We seem to be having compliants from the African American people who take offense, so I am asking what others use. Thanks for your input.
>required to complete an application packet, lots of paperwork. One of
>the areas is for reporting to different agencies such as the EEOC.
>One of the areas we track is race. Our application has a check place
>for Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Asian, American Indian and
>other. We seem to be having compliants from the African American
>people who take offense, so I am asking what others use. Thanks for
>your input.
You refer above to "after" an applicant is hired, and then say that your application has a check place for race. Is this request for race on your application or on forms filled out after a job offer is made and accepted? The answer to that will make a BIGGGGGGGG difference.
The information is requested after a job offer has been accepted.
[email]bhamilton@almy.com[/email]. Thanks so much
I've had employees tell me "mom is pink and dad is blue. Which am I?" I tell them "pick whichever one you prefer".
It's difficult to pidgeonhole all of us into just a few little categories, isn't it?
(At one job I had an employee check "other" and tell me they were German -- I used the "other" category.)