Education Assistance Policies
Does anyone have an education assistance policy at their company that they wouldn't mind sharing? We are running in to some problems with ours, so I need to do an overhaul.
The problem is, employees are leaving a few months after we have reimbursed them for tuition costs, without paying us back if they leave early. Any thoughts about what to include?
The problem is, employees are leaving a few months after we have reimbursed them for tuition costs, without paying us back if they leave early. Any thoughts about what to include?
Our current policy is:
You enroll, bring your class schedule to HR and it will get approved/disaproved. Once you complete the course you submit for reimbursement on those classes that were approved. The reimbursement schedule is a follow:
A=reimbursement 100%
B=reimbursement 80%
C=reimbursement 70%
no reimbursement on grades below.
Also our reimbursement policy does not include books just tuition and registration.
On rare occassions because of financial circumstances we do allow managers/supervisor and long term employees to take a class in cost of the company with the agreement that if that employee terminates their employment in the next 6-12 months they will be responsible for paying the company full cost from their last check. This has worked well for us, it has been established for the past 6-7 years and we've had no problems.
Hope this helps!
I have a policy I'll send you which includes a provision that if the employee leaves the company, the employee must reimburse the company for any tuition paid on his/her behalf in the last year. E-mail me if you want a copy.
Margaret Morford