Bereavement Leave

I have been asked to review our current policy on bereavement leave. Currently we pay an employee up to 5 days for bereavement leave for the death of an immediate relative: wife,husband,mother,father,sister,brother,son,or daughter. If the deceased is someone not in one of the above, then 1 day off w/pay is given. I am trying to determine if the 5 day allowance is excessive or if it is in line with what other companies my size offer.
We are a privately owned, mid sized company, 60 employees, mfrs rep agency, in business since 1969. I would appreciate hearing what other companies my size are dong in this area. Thank you.
We are a privately owned, mid sized company, 60 employees, mfrs rep agency, in business since 1969. I would appreciate hearing what other companies my size are dong in this area. Thank you.
child, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, gradmother,
step-father/mother, father/mother-in-law, son/daughter-in-law
step son/daughter and grand son/daughter. We even offer part
timers 1 1/2 days.
To answer your question, we offer (and bereavement experts recommend) that a minimum of five (5) paid days be provided over and above any other time off granted. Supervisors can also extend bereavement leave at their discretion. We also offer supportive counseling as needed.
Unless you allow time for the bereaved to begin to cope with their loss, they will not be able to function as well in the workplace. I'm certain any hospice agency in your local area would be thrilled to have you contact them for more information on this important topic.
Don is right; people can cope with grief for years. Knowing that, isn't providing five days off worth it to value your ee with compassion? Three days paid leave is very good. Five days paid leave is even better. xclap
Our policy is "up to 3 days for immediate family defined as spouse, children, parents siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as well as the parents children, siblings grandparents and grandchildren of the emploeye's spouse and any other persons who have had parental responsibility for the employee.