rehire policy

I am interested if anyone has a rehire policy for employees. For example, if someone comes back to work under a year - do you reinstate tenure? What about insurance, do you waive the 90 days or do they still have to complete a 90-day waiting period?
Note in the first example above: they do not get their original hire date back, but rather their starting date is adjusted back to reflect their previous three years of service. Your benefit plans will govern whether they have to wait the 90 days of not. What does your plan document say about prior service? The real advantage to the employer is that trained employees with a track record known to the company will return and the advantage to returning employees really comes with the awarding of vacation time or PTO.
I would also put a provision in your policy that states if you are gone less than three months, you get your original hire date back. This encourages the employee who jumped to the really great job, that turned out not to be so great, to return immediately. "Boomerangs" are the best advertisement for remaining at your company and illustrating that the grass is not always greener...
Margaret Morford