I am developing a new hire orientation program for our company. Does any one have any samples of checklist for supervisors/managers, procedures, etc? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
For HRhero.com Law Center members only: - Employment Checklist - Employment Interview Record - Telephone Reference Check - New Hire Training Record - Personnel Action Notice - Position Offer - Employee Invention and Nondisclosure Agreement [url]http://www.hrhero.com/lc/regs/form/500003.htm[/url] (then enter your Law Center member ID & password)
Before you start devising forms and forms, you may want to sit back and ask yourself some questions: "Did you like your own orientation when you were hired?". If no, why and what would have been nice for you as a new employee? What have you wanted to know during the first month at work and did not receive any information or guidance?
What is new employee orientation to your organization? Building relationship with the new hires or "get-him-on-the-job-as-quickly-as-you-can, don't-waste-your-time" . How much time can the organization afford for new emloyee orientation?
Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start designing the new employee orientation program.
If you are interested, I've found this article to be very enlightening.
Winter 2001 Issue of HR magazine (Vol.6, No.1) by SHRM, "Hit the floor running, start the cart...And other neat ways to train new employees" by Carla Johnson.
one other thought...do what the disney company does...they *first* take the new hires to where they will park,how they get their paycheck,where go for their breaks...all on the idea that if you do this first,they won't be daydreaming about the answers to these questions when you are going over what's important to *you*,such as anti-harrassment policies,discipline issues,arbitration etc...regards from texas,mike maslanka
Free article:
- "Checklist for new employee orientation"
For HRhero.com Law Center members only:
- Employment Checklist
- Employment Interview Record
- Telephone Reference Check
- New Hire Training Record
- Personnel Action Notice
- Position Offer
- Employee Invention and Nondisclosure Agreement
(then enter your Law Center member ID & password)
More info on Law Center membership at [url]http://www.hrhero.com/benefits.shtml[/url]
Hope this helps!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
What is new employee orientation to your organization? Building relationship with the new hires or "get-him-on-the-job-as-quickly-as-you-can, don't-waste-your-time" . How much time can the organization afford for new emloyee orientation?
Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start designing the new employee orientation program.
If you are interested, I've found this article to be very enlightening.
Winter 2001 Issue of HR magazine (Vol.6, No.1) by SHRM, "Hit the floor running, start the cart...And other neat ways to train new employees" by Carla Johnson.
Hope these help.