Transfer procedures

We have a transfer policy in which to help our employees grow with the company. However, we are having a difficulty with the logistics of the performance and compensation reviews. Usually our employees only receive a wage increase once per year (from their hire date)at their review. If an employee transfers departments,they do not necessarily receive a wage increase, but do receive a review. Because the yearly review date would change from hire date to transfer date the compensation dates would also be changed. An employee could go almost two years without receiving a wage increase if they were not given one at the time of transfer and needed to wait another year before their next review. Please help with any suggestions. Thank you.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Could you pro-rate an increase? In other words, If they transfer six months before their review date, give them 50% of what they would normally receive and then they wait a year for their next review. If the transfer is 3 months before their review date, they get 75% of the raise, etc.

    Margaret Morford

  • On a transfer where the employee doesn't receive an increase, we kept the review date the same if the review date from the prior position was less than 6 months away, or moved it to the date of transfer if the review date from the old position was less than 6 months past.
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