Administrative Exemption Part Deux

My question is: After reviewing an employee job description and asking questions about what it is the ee will be doing on a day to day basis, I have concluded that the ee satisfies the first prong of the administrative exemption test, that is the ee's primary duty is work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer. However, when looking at the "primary duty and" portion of the test, i.e. exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance and the 8 factors to consider (from the DOL's wage and hour division website), when analzing whether the ee exercises discretion and independent judgment I need to know how many of those 8 factors an employer should rely on in order to satify that prong of the administrative exemption test--3 of 8, 5 of 8??
Also, a quick poll. How many of you out there work in a company of approximately 45 employees with only exempt positions?
Also, a quick poll. How many of you out there work in a company of approximately 45 employees with only exempt positions?
(Can you tell I've been knee deep in this lately?!)
To answer your second question, we have a mix of exempt and non-exempt.
Could you please fax it to me as well? 479-621-0318, attention Director of HR. Thanks!!!!!!
Me too? 360 906-1093
Thanks for trying.
Thank you.
Fax: 1.989.754.2175.
Could you also fax this over to me. I believe it would greatly benefit me as well. We have a mix of exempt and non-exempt employees and I am not sure of some of them. I appreciate this so much.
This would be a great help for me as well. Our managers/supervisors have a hard time understanding what allows employees to be exempt/nonexempt. Could you please fax a copy to (812) 876-9267? Thanks so much! Have a great holiday!
I have been struggling with a job we have here; it is truly right on the border for the Adminstrative Exemption. Can you please fax your checkslist to 515-258-7400? It is a private fax, so you don't have to include a cover letter if you do not want to!
Would you mind also sending me a copy of the Checklist, my fax number is 954/327-6702 or e-mail is [email][/email].
I would like a copy also. My fax number is 313-833-0479. Thank you.
Were you able to fax the checklist to me? I never received it. I apologize, I did not spell your name correctly in the first e-mail that I sent. Or, if anyone else received a copy, I would be very grateful if they could fax me a copy at (515) 258-7400.
Thanks in advance for your help!
This month is a good one to do clean up. I'd love a copy of this administrative checklist. My fax number is 501-955-7634 attn: Gina......this will save so much time for our team.
Have a great day!
Fax: 702-735-2974
Fax #773-267-1567
Have a great day and enjoy your Easter weekend!