Inclement Weather

A company states it will give employees 16 hours inclement weather paid time-off per year. When does this pay have to be given? For instance, if a business is not "officially closed" but employees are instructed to report to work if possible, the majority of employees do report to work. The exception being two employees, who live near-by and could have reported to work, but chose not to. Should these employee be allowed to use the pay for inclement weather?
Personally, I would only offer the inclement weather leave on days that the company is closed (either full or partial days). Otherwise, you will have employees invoking the leave at their whim. Why get into disagreements with employees over how bad the weather is. Some employees are willing to drive in snow storms; others prefer not to drive when there are light snow flurries. Or, (and I am being facetious) would you allow an employee say it was too sunny to drive (too much glare)?