California Overtime

In computing California overtime for a person who works 12 hours a day for four days in a work week, would they be paid 32 regular hours and 16 overtime (1 1/2) hours? In addition, since they would have worked over 40 hours in a week (48 to be exact), do we then have to add 8 hours of 1 1/2 overtime for working over 40 hours in a week?

I'm thinking that if you pay over 8 in a day, then you don't need to pay over 40 in a week, correct?

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

Tina Marie


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The employee, if not on an alternative workweek schedule or a union employee with a collective barganing agreement would be entitled to 32 regular and 16 overtime. You don't have to pay daily and weekly overtime, even in employee friendly California. It's one or the other.
  • First you need to deterimine what the employee's regular schedule is. If it is more than 8 hours per day, you should get a written agreement with the employee. You may not owe them any overtime in this situation (unless they work outside of their normal schedule.)
    Call the state on this one and get their instructions on how to set up the "agreement". Will be well worth your time (and money.)
    But, yes, you are right. You just pay overtime for day in CA, except in some situations where they work over an amount of time and no. of days in a week.
    E Wart
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