Final Wages California Laws?

Last Friday was the final day for an employee who was being laid off. We are in Colorado and this employee is in our California office. We normally overnight the final paychecks the night before. Due to a misunderstanding on our part, the package didn't get sent out until Fri. The office got it on Monday. The employee called and said he was due 2 days extra pay because we didn't pay him on his last day. I did find this is correct in our California's Employers Guide book. It states, "If an employer willfully fails to pay a resigning or discharged employee, the employer must pay the employee a penalty in addition to the wages owed."
What do you think "willfully" means? I mean we always get the final checks there on time, but, either our receptionist didn't know it was supposed to go overnight or she accidentally forgot to send it. I really don't know the story on that one. But, we didn't mean for that to happen. Should I try fighting the extra wages or just pay it to avoid more hassles?
Trish in CO
What do you think "willfully" means? I mean we always get the final checks there on time, but, either our receptionist didn't know it was supposed to go overnight or she accidentally forgot to send it. I really don't know the story on that one. But, we didn't mean for that to happen. Should I try fighting the extra wages or just pay it to avoid more hassles?
Trish in CO
Just pay him one or two days (however many work days there were.)
E Wart