Need help with over night pay

I'm trying to decide what to do with our employees who live in the house for a week at a time.
According to this DOL website what we currently do is acceptable:
However we would like to compensate the employees for those hours in some way. By giving them a flat amount won't we be running into issues as far as what their base pay is in terms of overtime calculations?
Any creative suggestions on how to compensate but not run into the overtime issue?
According to this DOL website what we currently do is acceptable:
However we would like to compensate the employees for those hours in some way. By giving them a flat amount won't we be running into issues as far as what their base pay is in terms of overtime calculations?
Any creative suggestions on how to compensate but not run into the overtime issue?
Currently we pay for 16 hours of regular or overtime pay and then provide a nightly stipend for the 8 hours. The stipend then has to be calculated back into their regular hours to create an overtime wage. A payroll nightmare!
Why not just boost their base wage during this time? That way you plug it into your payroll system and it will do the calculations for you.
Basically, currently we do more then the law requires and we want to continue to do so for the benefit of our employees but not run into a DOL fine when it comes to paying fairly.
It's a stretch, I know.
1. Are the night hours of work their only hours of work for you?
2. How many employees are in the home at night?
3. Are they allowed sleep time?
* No, they actually are working for us from 2 pm on Monday until 2:30 the next Monday
2. How many employees are in the home at night?
* Just the one employee
3. Are they allowed sleep time?
* All are given 8 hours of sleep time which we used to pay a flat rate for but this is where the overtime issue comes into play.
We have procedures set up if they don't get 8 hours of sleep.