Deductions for Damage Company Property

California Labor Law is pretty rigid. Can we deduct from an employee's salary for damage he inflicted to the Company's product? (EE damaged a door to a cabinet, because he was mad, that was to be delivered to a home site)
If the EE refuses to sign said document, you may not deduct - but you can and should discipline for this type of behavior up to and including termination.
Unless the employee has admitted the damage was caused by his lack of temper control and will put it in writing, and allow you to deduct it from his check, it could turn into a he said/he said. Which in this states almost always means the employer loses!
And if you get all that in writing, be aware you will run into trouble if the deduction causes the employee to earn less than minimum wage.
Do you have the phone number for the state labor commission?
Of course, California Labor Law Book, page 381 does talk about Simple Negligence and the Employer bearing the cost of the loss -
Several years ago we had an employee in CA who we terminated for some pretty good reasons. They had lap top, company car, and an expense advance. We called the state and were told we couldn't deduct anything from her check... even though we had something signed saying she would pay back/return the items. [We didn't deduct, but we did 'illegally' withhold a check until some of this was returned.]
Also, you have to make sure that the employee is paid at least minimum wage when you deduct and that you have something signed by them. If the dollars aren't much, I would just do the discipline and make it severe with a statement that if it happens again they will be terminated.
E Wart