FLSA New Regs- Classifying Exempt EE's

Can you initially classify an employee as Non Exempt if they meet all of the requirements of Exemption except for the Salary requirement, and then have them become Exempt when they reach that point in the salary scale?
Can you initially classify an employee as Non Exempt if they meet all of the requirements of Exemption except for the Salary requirement, and then have them become Exempt when they reach that point in the salary scale?
You can establish a hourly rate of pay and pay overtime for anyone regardless of the AMOUNT OF MONEY PAID (over minimum wage) OR THE DUTIES ASSIGNED. However, you can't go in reverse and establish a EXEMPT status position and then start keeping time on that individual, for you are establishing precedence for a NON_EXEMPT position and system of pay requiring overtime calculations and payment in kind.
Hope this helps!
Thanks again,
In my humble, nonlawyer opinion, your exec dir is right. All that matters is whether an employee meets the exempt definition. If he suddenly meets the definition next week, you can immediately start treating him as exempt, but you don't have to.
Good luck!
James Sokolowski
On 8/23, I am moving them to non-exempt until they hit the magic number, (higher within their pay range)and will then move them back to exempt status. I could give them all pay increases but wouldn't be fair to the other nurses who worked their way through the pay range.
This appears to be the only change I will have to make due to the new regs.