Non-DD EE's Paycheck lost in the mail

We have voluntary Direct Deposit. Checks are mailed to EE's who do not participate. As of 5/18/04 EE still had not received check for 5/7/04. We cut a replacement check on 5/10/04. We are thinking of starting a new policy that states if you want a replacement check you have to pay the stop payment fee on the lost check. We feel we have fulfilled our duties by presenting the checks to the US postal service. If it gets lost in the mail, that is between the EE and the postal service.
Any advice or past expericences?
Thanks in advance!
Any advice or past expericences?
Thanks in advance!
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Of course it always became a huge emergency. She did not like direct deposit because the casinos in Nevada are famous for offering a free spin on a wheel or a slot that gives spinners a chance at millions.
The stop payment charges range from $12 for an on-line stop to $30 for a phone call stop. We also have voluntary direct deposit.
I just drafted a policy that will charge for the stop payment fee and will not replace the check until one business day after the request for a stop payment. It does penalize the EE, but they can avoid the penalty by using the direct deposit.
I am presenting this to our Exec Dir today so wish me luck.
Of course, there were many excuses as to "why" this happened, but the bottom line was...she was a thief. (and an ex-employee).
So she liked putting it in the U.S. Postal Service roulette wheel, just to see if it would make it to her mailbox?
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Good point Brad re the US Postal Service. Of course, the Casino's pay when you beat their odds, the Postal Service sends you to the lost letter department never to be heard from again.x;-)
I had an employee go out on layoff and call me to tell me that he did not receive his paycheck in the mail. Our policy is to wait 5 days until we stop payment and then he is responsible for the fee. Anyway, he was extremely angry UNTIL he went out to his truck (on the 5th day mind you) only to find a flyer on the passenger's seat and inside the flyer, low and behold, was his paycheck (the flyer had been in his truck since Monday).
Now, if we had stopped payment on the first check and re-run the check and didn't charge him, we would have been out the money for nothing.
As far as direct deposit, if an employee doesn't get their receipt, getting them the requisite information regarding gross pay, deductions, etc. is MUCH simpler than having to void a check and re-run one.
In fact, what do you do with the paystubs for those employees on direct depost? Do you mail those too?