Closed Pay Day

Our bi-weekly payroll happens to fall on both Memorial Day and Labor Day this year. We are going to be closed for both holidays, which are Monday's.
Does anyone see any problems with us completing and processing payroll the next working day, which would give the employees their wages a day later than they would normally recieve them?
Does anyone see any problems with us completing and processing payroll the next working day, which would give the employees their wages a day later than they would normally recieve them?
For those who pay semi-monthly, what do you do when payday falls on a weekend?
In your case, I would suggest that you pay a day early instead of late...sometimes it's a psychological thing...if you keep the pay a day later employees think you are holding out on them...if you give it to them a day are a saint!
So needless to say, the golden rule is you never pay late, pay early, it is how we do it.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman