Direct Deposit Problem

Our facility has direct deposit on its salaried employees. Payments are to be made semi- monthly. If the supervisors fail to put funds into accounts as stated. Funds enter the accounts on the 18th instead of the 15th of a given month due to a holiday. Is the company liable for overages in the accounts of its employees?
This is a small business, run in TEXAS. Do any federal laws apply here, if so which ones?
Thank you for any assistance that you can provide in this matter.
This is a small business, run in TEXAS. Do any federal laws apply here, if so which ones?
Thank you for any assistance that you can provide in this matter.
It is the companies obligation to pay on time, just like it is the EEs obligation to come to work on time. The company probably has disciplinary actions it would take if the EEs were late. I don't know what the Wage and Hour folks would do to discipline the company for being late, but do you want to find out? Just having them come in and poke around would probably cost the company more than if it just stood up and took care of the problems.
If an employee (not a supervisor) is late getting their time in or doesn't present a time card until after payroll is run, then the company can pay them the next regularly scheduled payday.
If you don't have a policy such as this, you will have a continuous problem of employees who are late asking for a special paycheck.
When we are missing a time-card, the supervisor makes their best estimate, and always a bit on the conservative side, so that a paycheck is generated. We make any adjustments on the next check.
The first situation is terrible. Makes you look as if the company if floating its funds and could get in trouble.
The second situation may have some consequences. First, in TX you have to post your pay days. It depends upon when you post as your pay day and also what your policy is (stated) for holidays. If a payday is on a holiday, do you state the employee is paid the last day in the office or the first day back in the office.
I would clarify this and make sure that your payroll cycle is set up each year to cover these dates. (You may have to transmit a day early in order to give time to get the money in accounts by stated payday.) This should be set up about each Oct. for the entire next year and this situation should never happen again.
To answer your question, if you don't have a policy, I would say yes, I think company should pay all of employees bank fees because employees were told it would be there on 15th. However, if employees are used to it being there on the 14th but the company policy is the 15th and funds are in the accounts by the 15th and employees have overdrafts, you wouldn't owe this.
E Wart
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman