Salaried Employee Pay for 53 week pay periods

We pay our employees on a weekly basis (I know, our Payroll lady screams every week.) That being said, this year, 2004, is a 53 Friday year. Payroll just caught this and is proposing to adjust the exempt employee's salary based on 53 weeks and not 52 weeks. When we hire an exempt employee, their job offer letter states: "Will be paid on a weekly basis equivalent to an annual salary of $50,000." I know the exempt people are going to scream, when they see their checks are less. (I'm already through with my screaming.) Has anyone encountered this issue and if so what did you do?
I can tell you right now this was a flat out nightmare at the end of the year and also with putting in a new payroll system on top of that. It was not worth whatever the CFO had determined that we would be "saving" by doing this.
>be paid on a weekly basis equivalent to an
>annual salary of $50,000."
But, back to your offer letter. The way your letter is written, the exempt employee can only lay claim to the product of $50k divided by the number of weeks in the year (whether many or few. HA!)
It is also true, as Marc suggests, that nobody is gaining or losing. If you pay for work weeks already completed, then you eventually pay nothing more than for all work done, regardless of number of weeks in a year.
We have 27 pays in 2004 and will pay the extra. We will put a footnote in the annual report to explain why the CEO's pay exceeded his salary.
We use accrual accounting, so in 2003 we accrued for the 13 workdays in that year which were paid in 2004.
Use whatever works best for your accounting system, but let the employees know in advance of any changes in pay.