President wants to give employees a "bonus" ($50-250) in cash on Xmas Eve. I haven't been able to find a definitive answer as to whether or not it's legal to do so. I don't believe it is as it is still considered wages from the company, but I want to be able to quote specifics to him before I tell him no...and I don't want to be Scrooge either as the company is just starting to recover from the last 2 years.
May everyone in the forum have a safe and happy season!!
Happy holidays!
Ya'll eat lots more PORK this year to help make up for our losses this year 2003!
May I also suggest that we give food to every employee which we did do this year. Honey Suckel White Turkey for Thanksgiving and a Bryan Foods "Big Ass Ham" for Christmas. Both were big hits with our employees.
Happy holidays to you!!