holiday pay

if an employee is not scheduled to work on a company holiday, is the employer obligated to pay for the holiday., eg. the employee works sat to wed and the holiday falls on thurs and friday.
should the employer pay the employee for thurs and friday?
need answer ASAP.
sheilah goodman
should the employer pay the employee for thurs and friday?
need answer ASAP.
sheilah goodman
It will depend on what your company policy is. There is not a Federal Law that states you have to pay anyone Holiday Pay. It is totally a "Benefit" provided by the company.
As with anything you have not dealt with in the past, you will be setting a precedent which you will have to maintain.
holiday if you were scheduled to work. It "replaces" the pay the ee loses as a result of
not working because the employer elected to close. The ee working Sat to Weds didn't lose anything as a result of the closing.
thank you. your reply and the others are very
helpful. i've gotten five different replies.
thank you. i am of the same opinion and your ideas are very helpful.
great idea. very helpful. thnx.