Salary PTO time

I am a salary employee and in management. I took a PTO day one Friday and had to come in and work Saturday of that week. When I did the payroll my boss forced me to still use a PTO day for Friday even though I worked a full day Saturday. I think she is wrong and need to back it up with proof. Can I go somewhere and find salary employment guidelines somewhere. My boss will give comp days off to other salary employees during the week if they have put in some long hours.
If your boss has taken advantage of you in the past like this and not offered you comp time when others have been given comp time then you do have some issues you can bring up - especially if there is a written policy. There are legal guidelines for comp time policies that must be adheared to in order to avoid being penalized for abuse of the law.
For example earned comp time must be given and used in during the same pay period (same week)- which could have been done in your case
If this is a regular occurance, you may want to think twice about your exempt status? Just because you are salaried doesn't mean your exempt.