temporary lay off

We are looking at laying off some exempt(salary)and non-exempt employees for about 2 weeks. Do they have the right to use their vacation time so that they do not have to file for unemployment insurance. Thanks for your help.
Your decision to let them take their vacation accrual during time of layoff is between you and them. If your state requires that vacation pay offset unemployment insurance weekly benefit amounts, chances are the claim will not proceed and benefits will not be paid. If the claim is disallowed and benefits are not paid, your experience rating is unaffected. The system is whatever it is in your state. There's really no way to monkey with it. What will happen will happen.
Sounds like your CEO should be looking for a pay cut from employees if he wants to save money, not just cutting hours. If you have several employees being laid off "temporarily" who do the same thing.... wouldn't it be smarter to just reduce staff permanently (reduction in force) for at least one employee so they could get on with their life and begin looking for new work... unless you were sure you were going to definitely need them back?
E Wart
Jeffrey, I am curious regarding the criteria you used that the highest paid with the most seniority was let go. It's just so "reversed" from our cut backs.
Good Luck! PORK