Kansas Law for break periods

We are a manufacturing firm with work schedules for 24/7 coverage. The shifts are 3.5 day work weeks, working 12 hour days. My question is does Kansas Law require that we give a 10 minute break for every four hours worked? I know there are no federal laws that require breaks, but my concern is Kansas Law. We currently give 15 min breaks every 6 hours, or, they may break that down into three ten minute breaks.



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  • looking back through some old DOL literature entitled "handy reference guide to the fair labor standards act" wage and hour division, i came across 3337.365 entitled "rest period for employees"...."no employer shall require any employee to work without a rest period of at least ten (10) minutues duruing each four (4) hours worked, except those employees who are under the Federal Railway Labor Act. This shall be in addition to the regularly scheduled lunch period. No reduction in compensation shall be made for hourly or salaried employees."

    Does this help???

  • Wow! Your answer blew me away, since about 2 years ago I called the Kansas dol with the thread question and was told that Kansas doesn't require any break periods so since the feds don't either, none were required. We do give breaks, but were concerned about how many hours some employees wanted to go before they took one. I think I will need to do some more research.
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