Chinese Overtime
1 Post
Are there any restrictions in any particular States regarding the utilization of "The Fluctuating Workweek" (otherwise known as ChineseOvertime)?
Your employees can flex all they want, but their compensation is figured only within that one workweek period, which can be any set of 7 days, as long as they are the same days for everyone in a class. Say, M - Su, all non-exempts can choose whatever hours they are going to work, and Tu - M, all exempts can figure their schedules. Neither class can "save up" hours to be applied to the next week, however, and exempts are tricky, because they cannot be docked for less than full-week periods and then only for very specific reasons.
The updates to the FLSA are due out next month, but from everything I've read, the changes relate more to classifying jobs (as exempt or non-exempt) and leave the pay calculations alone.
Good luck! If you have any more questions for me, I'll take them off-line. Cross-reference the SHRM web site at [url];[/url] their Publications/White Pages have some more info on the subject.
Governmental or emergency (fire, police, hospital) organizations may have some, however, so if you fall under those categories, you may want to check with the local chamber of commerce or any unions or professional groups associated with your specific personnel. I've found that any and all of these places have information available and generally at a reasonable price (if not free!).
Good Luck!