Recognition Ideas

Our company wants to limit the number of promotions, especially at the higher end. However, to keep staff motivated we need to have some type of recognition/reward in lieu of promotion. Do you have any thoughts on this or experience in how you are handling the motivation of employees who have reached the limit, so to speak?
The department head submits a written narrative of exceptional service by the employee in performing the duties of the position, plus any duties above and beyond what was to be expected, plus any extraodinary community involvement reflecting positively on the organization, and good attendance and lack of disciplinary actions. These are our five criteria.
The committee votes 1-10 but cannot vote on a member of their own department.
We then award a written notation for the employee's personnel file, plus an engraving on a plaque in the front of the entranceway, plus a name pin identifying the employee as "employee of the quarter", plus a prime parking spot. We used to award two dinners to a nice restaurant, but that was when we were flush with money.
Yes, some employees feel there is favoritism and feel neglected, but all in all, most of the employees would agree with the award winners.