Payout of final paycheck after death

Last week we had an employee get murdered after hours. To whom do we make the final payroll check payable? Two years ago we had an employee killed over the week end and we made the check out to the individual and it was mailed and collected upon by the decessed next of kin through the family bank. This time we are aware before we make the check out and mail? From our legal members what is the proper way of handling this final payout? From our HR experienced what is your advice?
We figured out the employees earnings with taxes collected. I have made out an accounts payable check for both daughters splitting the net 50 / 50. I will have them sign for the checks and relieve my company for an liability claim by next of kin!
All other dollar values are covered by a "by law beneficiary form"! I hope it works; it is for sure clean unless one of the daughters is written ourt of some last will and testiment which is currently unknown.
On the 26th of December sister number 2 will pick up the checks and mail them to sister number 1 for her signature and endorsement on the back of the checks. Sister number 1 will sign and mail back to sister number 2. Sister 2 will then take the checks to our bank along with death certificate of the named "deceased employee". Along with the death certificate, sister number 2 has the identifying documents of the other sister along with her identifying documents. Once at our bank the bank officers will examine all documents and cash the checks allowing sister number 2 to have the cash pertaining to the checks. She will then handle the dispersement of the cash in accordance with the agreed instructions of sister 1 with sister number 2.
WOW, it is fun to be an HR with such wonderful opportunities to succeed and be blessed for being on this world. May we all have a blessed Christmas 2002 and a Happy New Year in 2003. Pork